Pos | standard Number | publication date | Language | Description |
1 | ASHRAE 4283-1999 | 1999-01-01 | English | Optimization Method of District Heating and Coling Plant Operation Based on Genetic Algorithm |
2 | ASHRAE 4284-1999 | 1999-01-01 | English | CFD Modeling and Measurement of Aerosol Particle Distributions in Ventilated Multizone Rooms |
3 | ASHRAE 4285-1999 | 1999-01-01 | English | Comparison of Emissions from Selected Commercial Kitchen Appliances and Food Products - RP-745 |
4 | ASHRAE 4286-1999 | 1999-01-01 | English | Current Methods to Handle Wall Conduction and Room Internal Heat Transfer |
5 | ASHRAE 4287-1999 | 1999-01-01 | English | Design and Tuning of Robust PID Controller for HVAC Systems |
6 | ASHRAE 4288-1999 | 1999-01-01 | English | Development of Energy-Efficiency Standards for Indian Refrigerators |
7 | ASHRAE 4289-1999 | 1999-01-01 | English | Domestic Hot Water Consumption of the Developed and Developing Communities in South Africa |
8 | ASHRAE 4290-1999 | 1999-01-01 | English | Effects of Pen Partition and Diffuser Type on Occupied Zone Air Velocities in Typical Swine Buildings |
9 | ASHRAE 4291-1999 | 1999-01-01 | English | Evaluation of the Correlations for Predicting Evaporative Loss from Water Body |
10 | ASHRAE 4292-1999 | 1999-01-01 | English | Experimental Results for Diffusion and Infilration of Moisture in Concrete Masonry Walls Exposed to Hot and Humid Climates - RP-864 |
11 | ASHRAE 4293-1999 | 1999-01-01 | English | Field Study of Occupant Comfort and Office Thermal Environments in a Hot, Arid Climate - RP-921 |
12 | ASHRAE 4294-1999 | 1999-01-01 | English | Field-Measured Performance of Four Full-Scale Cylindrical Stratified Chilled-Water Thermal Storage Tanks |
13 | ASHRAE 4295-1999 | 1999-01-01 | English | Frost Characteristics and Heat Transfer on a Flat Plate under Freezer Operating Conditions: Part 1, Experimentation and Correlations |
14 | ASHRAE 4296-1999 | 1999-01-01 | English | Frost Characteristics and Heat Transfer on a Flat Plate under Freezer Operating Conditions: Part II, Numerical Modeling and Comparison with Data |
15 | ASHRAE 4297-1999 | 1999-01-01 | English | Ice Slurry Cooling Research: Storage Tank Ice Agglomeration and Extraction |
16 | ASHRAE 4298-1999 | 1999-01-01 | English | Idealized Radiation Efficiency Model for a Porous Radiant Burner |
17 | ASHRAE 4299-1999 | 1999-01-01 | English | Local Heat Transfer Coefficients During Condensation of R-22 and R-32/R-125 Mixtures - The Full Test of This Paper can be Found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research, Volume 5, Number1, January 1999, pp. 59-76. |
18 | ASHRAE JOURN 40-11 ACRTP-1998 | 1998-11-01 | English | Automated Controls and Real-Time Pricing - Volume 40 Number 11; November 1998 |
19 | ASHRAE JOURN 40-10 ARR-1998 | 1998-10-01 | English | ASHRAE Research Report 1998-99 - Volume 40 Number 10; October 1998 |
20 | ASHRAE IJHVAC 4-4-1998 | 1998-10-01 | English | International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research - Volume 4, Number 4, October 1998 |
21 | ASHRAE JOURN 40-9 GWR-1998 | 1998-09-01 | English | ASHRAE Journal - Volume 40 Number 9; September 1998 |
22 | ASHRAE JOURN 40-8 BFL-1998 | 1998-08-01 | English | ASHRAE Journal - Volume 40 Number 8; August 1998 |
23 | ASHRAE IJHVAC 4-3-1998 | 1998-07-01 | English | International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research - Volume 4, Number 3, July 1998 |
24 | ASHRAE JOURN SUPP JUNE 1998-1998 | 1998-06-01 | English | ASHRAE Journal - Supplement June 1998 |
25 | ASHRAE JOURN 40-6 WEW-1998 | 1998-06-01 | English | ASHRAE Journal - Volume 40 Number 6; June 1998 |
26 | ASHRAE JOURN 40-5 AAMP-1998 | 1998-05-01 | English | ASHRAE Journal - Volume 40 Number 5; May 1998 |
27 | ASHRAE JOURN 40-4 VHL-1998 | 1998-04-01 | English | ASHRAE Journal - Volume 40 Number 4; April 1998 |
28 | ASHRAE IC 90.1-1989-19-1998 | 1998-03-06 | English | Energy Efficient Design of New Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings |
29 | ASHRAE JOURN 40-3 ATA-1998 | 1998-03-01 | English | ASHRAE Journal - Volume 40 Number 3; March 1998 |
30 | ASHRAE JOURN 40-2 PSNC-1998 | 1998-02-01 | English | ASHRAE Journal - Volume 40 Number 2; February 1998 |
31 | ASHRAE SYMP SEC 98-1B-1998 | 1998-01-21 | English | Symposium Papers - Presented at the ASHRAE Winter Meeting - January 17-21, 1998 - San Francisco, California |
32 | ASHRAE IC 90.1-1989-18-1998 | 1998-01-19 | English | Energy Efficient Design of New Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings |
33 | ASHRAE 4112-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Predicting Central Plant HVAC Equipment Performance Using Neural Networks - Laboratory System Test Results |
34 | ASHRAE 4098-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Development of a Paedictive Optimal Controller fot Thermal Energy Storage Systems - The full text of this paper can be found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research, Volume 3, Number 3, July 1997, pp. 233-264. |
35 | ASHRAE 4099-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Evolution of Temperature Distributions in a Full-Scale Stratified Chilled-Water Storage Tank with Radial Diffusers |
36 | ASHRAE 4100-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Relationships between Structure Factors, Response Factors, and Z-Transfer Function Coefficients for Multilayer Walls |
37 | ASHRAE 4101-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | A Critical Review of Displacement Ventilation - (RP-949) |
38 | ASHRAE 4102-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Demonstration Knowledge Base to Aid Building Operators in Responding to Real-Time-Pricing Electricity Rates - RP-833 |
39 | ASHRAE 4103-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Environmental Quality in Animal Production Housing Facilities: A Review and Evaluation of Alternative Ventilation Strategies - RP-784 |
40 | ASHRAE 4104-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Experimental Testing and Computational Modeling of Flat Oval Duct Deflection - RP-732 |
41 | ASHRAE 4105-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Sequences of Extreme Temperature and Humidity for Design Calculations - RP-828 |
42 | ASHRAE 4106-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Developing an Adaptive Model of Thermal Comfort and Preference - RP-884 |
43 | ASHRAE 4107-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Numerical Simulation of Airflow in a Room with Differentially Heated Vertical Walls |
44 | ASHRAE 4108-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | The Combined Effect of Air Leakage and Conductive Heat Transfer in Window Frames and its Impact on the Canadian Energy Rating Procedure |
45 | ASHRAE 4109-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Ammonia Spray Evaporation Heat Transfer Performance of Single Low-Fin and Corrugated Tubes - RP-725 |
46 | ASHRAE 4110-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Mass Flow Characteristics of R-407C Through Short-Tube Orifices |
47 | ASHRAE 4111-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Corrosion of Metals in Contact with New Refrigerants/Lubricants at Various Moisture and Organic Acid Levels - RP-887 |
48 | ASHRAE 4113-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Heat and Moisture Transfer in Desiccant Coated Rotary Energy Exchangers: Part I - Numerical Model - The full text of this paper can be found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Reasearch, Volume 3, Number 4, October 1997, pp. 325-350. |
49 | ASHRAE 4114-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Heat and Moisture Transfer in Desiccant Coated Rotary Energy Exchangers: Part II - Validation and Sensitivity Studies - The full text of this paper can be found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Reasearch, Volume 3, Number 4, October 1997, pp. 351-368. |
50 | ASHRAE 4115-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | A Testing and HVAC Design Methodology for Air-to-Air Heat Pipe Heat Exchangers - The full text of this paper can be found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Reasearch, Volume 4, Number 1, January 1998, pp 3-26. |
51 | ASHRAE 4116-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Methods for Resolving Fan/Motor Vibration Problems in Air-Conditioning Units: Part I - Analytical Models for Identifying Vibration Modes Excited by Fan Impeller Unbalance - RP-685 |
52 | ASHRAE 4117-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Methods for Resolving Fan/Motor Vibration Problems in Air-Conditioning Units: Part II - Experimental Procedures for Identifying Vibration Modes Excited by Fan Impeeler Unbalance - RP-685 |
53 | ASHRAE 4118-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Methods for Resolving Fan/Motor Vibration Problems in Air-Conditioning Units: Part III - Experimental Procedures for Investigating Torsional Vibration in Air-Conditioning Units - RP-685 |
54 | ASHRAE 4119-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Methods for Resolving Fan/Motor Vibration Problems in Air-Conditioning Units: Part IV - Experimental Procedures for Measuring Motor Torque Pulsations - RP-685 |
55 | ASHRAE 4120-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Determination of Coil Defrosting Loads: Part I - Experimental Facility Description - RP-622 |
56 | ASHRAE 4121-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Determination of Coil Defrosting Loads: Part II - Instrumentation and Data-Acquisition Systems - RP-622 |
57 | ASHRAE 4122-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Determination of Coil Defrosting Loads: Part III - Testing Procedures and Data Reduction - RP-622 |
58 | ASHRAE 4123-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Determination of Coil Defrosting Loads: Part IV - Refrigeration/Defrost Cycle Dynamics - RP-622 |
59 | ASHRAE 4124-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Determination of Coil Defrosting Loads: Part V - Analysis of Loads - RP-622 |
60 | ASHRAE 4125-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Total Heat Gain and the Split between Radiant and Convective Heat Gain from Office and Laboratory Equipment in Buildings - RP-822 |
61 | ASHRAE 4126-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Heat Transfer Coefficients and Pressure Drops for R-134a and an Ester Lubricant Mixture in a Smooth Tube and a Micro-Fin Tube - RP-630 |
62 | ASHRAE 4127-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | A Comparison of the Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Performance of R-134a-Lubricant Mixture in Different Diameter Smooth Tubes and Micro-Fin Tubes - RP-630 |
63 | ASHRAE 4128-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Investigation of the Potential Effect of Zeotropic Refrigerant Mixture on Performance of a Hot Water Heat Pump |
64 | ASHRAE 4201-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Numerical Simulation of the Air-Conditioning Environment in a Computer Room |
65 | ASHRAE 4202-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Numerical Simulation of Contaminant Distribution Around a Modeled Human Body: CFD Study on Computational Thermal Manikin - Part II |
66 | ASHRAE 4203-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Performance of Fixed, Air-Side Economizer, and Neural Network Demand-Controlled Ventilation in CAV Systems |
67 | ASHRAE 4204-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Sampling Interval Magnitude Relation to Digital PI Control System Performance |
68 | ASHRAE 4205-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Stability Limit of Room Air Temperature of a VAV System |
69 | ASHRAE 4206-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Synopsis of Residential Refrigerator/Freezer Alternative Refrigerants Evaluation |
70 | ASHRAE 4207-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | System Performance Characteristics of a Helical Rotary Screw Air-Cooled Chiller Operating over a Range of Refrigerant Charge Conditions |
71 | ASHRAE 4208-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Impact of the Adoption of Efficient Electrical Products and Control Technologies on Office Building Energy Use |
72 | ASHRAE 4209-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Theoretical Basis of Primitive Part Modeling |
73 | ASHRAE 4210-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Thermodynamic Assessment of Desiccant Systems with Targeted and Relaxed Humidity Control Schemes |
74 | ASHRAE 4211-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Variable-Base Heating and Cooling Degree-Day Data for 24 Saudi Arabian Cities |
75 | ASHRAE 4212-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Verification and Characterization of a Mathematical Model of Particle Size Distribution |
76 | ASHRAE 4213-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Cold Energy Release Characteristics of an Ice/Air Direct Contact Heat Exchanger |
77 | ASHRAE 4214-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Development of an Equivalent Diameter Expression for Vertical U-Tubes Used in Ground-Coupled Heat Pumps |
78 | ASHRAE 4215-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Modeling the Effect of Backfills on U-Tube Ground Coil Performance |
79 | ASHRAE 4216-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Identification of Mixing Effects in Stratified Chilled-Water Storage Tanks by Analysis of Time Series Temperature Data |
80 | ASHRAE 4219-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Cooling Effect of Cool Tube - Part 1: Evaluation of Cooling Effect without Moisture Transfer |
81 | ASHRAE 4220-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Cooling Effect of Cool Tube - Part 2: Thermal Behavior of Cool Tube with Moisture Transfer |
82 | ASHRAE 4221-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Laminar Mixed Convection in the Entrance Region of Inclined Pipes with High Uniform Heat Fluxes |
83 | ASHRAE 13256-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Water-source heat pumps testing and rating for performance Part 1: Water-to-air and brine-to-air heat pumps ANSI Approved |
84 | ASHRAE 13256-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Water-source heat pumps testing and rating for performance Part 2: Water-to-water and brine-to-water heat pumps ANSI Approved |
85 | ASHRAE IJHVAC 4-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research - Volume 4, Number 1, January 1998 |
86 | ASHRAE IJHVAC 4-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research - Volume 4, Number 2, April 1998 |
87 | ASHRAE SF-98-8-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Significance of Bolts in the Thermal Performance of Curtain-Wall Frames for Glazed Facades |
88 | ASHRAE SF-98-8-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Three-Dimensional Heat Transfer Effects in Building Components |
89 | ASHRAE SF-98-9-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Technological Advances in Radiant Heating and Cooling |
90 | ASHRAE SF-98-9-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Impact of Surface Characteristics on Radiant Panel Output - RP-876 |
91 | ASHRAE SF-98-9-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Simplified Thermal Comfort Evaluation of MRT Gradients and Power Consumption Predicted with the BCAP Methodology - RP-907 |
92 | ASHRAE SF-98-9-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Basic Study of Radiative and Convective Heat Exchange in a Room with Floor Heating |
93 | ASHRAE SF-98-9-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Case Study: Seven-System Analysis of Thermal Comfort and Energy Use for a Fast-Acting Radiant Heating System |
94 | ASHRAE SF-98-9-5-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Analytical Model for the Design of In-Slab Electric Heating Panels |
95 | ASHRAE SF-98-10-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Advanced Turbulence Models for Room Airflow Prediction |
96 | ASHRAE SF-98-10-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Selection of Turbulence Models for Prediction of Room Airflow |
97 | ASHRAE SF-98-10-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Application of a Large Eddy Simulation Model to Study Room Airflow |
98 | ASHRAE SF-98-11-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Field Studies of Thermal Comfort and Adaptation: Part 2 |
99 | ASHRAE SF-98-11-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Global Database of Thermal Comfort Field Experiments - RP-884 |
100 | ASHRAE SF-98-11-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Field Study of the Impact of a Desktop Task/Ambient Conditioning System in Office Buildings |
101 | ASHRAE SF-98-11-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Large-Scale Survey of Thermal Comfort in Office Premises in Hong Kong |
102 | ASHRAE SF-98-11-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Thermal Comfort in Transitional Spaces in the Cool Season of Bangkok |
103 | ASHRAE SF-98-11-5-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Investigation of the Thermal Comfort Adaptive Model in a Tropical Upland Climate |
104 | ASHRAE SF-98-12-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Modeling the Heat Transfer Through Fenestration Products |
105 | ASHRAE SF-98-12-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Local Heat Transfer Coefficients for a Flush-Mounted Glazing Unit |
106 | ASHRAE SF-98-12-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Simplified Numerical Method for Assessing the Condensation Resistance of Windows |
107 | ASHRAE SF-98-12-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Calculating Center-Glass Performacne Indices of Windows |
108 | ASHRAE SF-98-13-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Durability of Fenestration Systems |
109 | ASHRAE SF-98-13-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Thermal Characteristics and Durability of Sealed Insulating Glass Units Incorporating Muntin Bars under Ultraviolet Exposure |
110 | ASHRAE SF-98-13-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Measurements of Window Air Leakage at Cold Temperatures and Impact on Annual Energy Performance of a House |
111 | ASHRAE SF-98-13-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Comparison of the Monthly Thermal Performance of a Conventional Window and a Supply-Air Window |
112 | ASHRAE SF-98-14-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposim on Seismic Restraints for Piping Systems |
113 | ASHRAE SF-98-14-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Seismic Restraints for Piping Systems |
114 | ASHRAE SF-98-14-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Water Damage in Hospitals Resulting from the Northridge Earthquake |
115 | ASHRAE SF-98-14-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Seismic Codes, HVAC Pipe Systems, and Practical Solutions |
116 | ASHRAE SF-98-15-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Thermal and Fluid Characteristics in HVAC and Refrigeration Heat Exchange Processes |
117 | ASHRAE SF-98-15-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Prediction of Forced Convective Condensation Characteristics of New Alternatives to R-502 Inside Water/Refrigerant Enhanced Surface Tubing |
118 | ASHRAE SF-98-15-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Nucleate Boiling Performance of R-22, R-123, R-134a, R-410A, and R-407C on Smooth and Enhanced Tubes |
119 | ASHRAE SF-98-15-5-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | In-Tube Condensation of Refrigerant and Refrigerant-Oil Mixtures - a Review of Most Recent Work |
120 | ASHRAE SF-98-16-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on New Learning in System Chemistry for New Refrigerants and Lubricants |
121 | ASHRAE SF-98-16-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Test Method of Inorganic Acid Removal Capacity of Desiccants Used in Liquid Line Filter Driers - RP-793 |
122 | ASHRAE SF-98-16-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Development of Polyvinylether Refrigeration Oil for Hydrofluorocarbon Air-Conditioning Systems |
123 | ASHRAE SF-98-17-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Thermal Distribution System Standard 152P: Development and Verification |
124 | ASHRAE SF-98-17-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Comparison of Duct Computer Models That Could Provide Input to the Proposed Thermal Distribution Standard Method of Test - RP-852 |
125 | ASHRAE TRAN 1998-1 BOOK-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | 1998 ASHRAE TRANSACTIONS - VOLUME 104 - PART 1 - Includes Parts A & B |
126 | ASHRAE TRAN 1998-2 BOOK-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | 1998 ASHRAE Transactions - Volume 104 - Part 2 |
127 | ASHRAE TRANS 1998-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | 1998 ASHRAE TRANSACTIONS - VOLUME 104 - PART 1B |
128 | ASHRAE 4217-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Thermal Performance of a Full-Scale Stratified Chilled-Water Thermal Storage Tank |
129 | ASHRAE 4218-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Development and Validation of a Room Air-Conditioning Simulation Model |
130 | ASHRAE SF-98-30-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Impact of Blower Performance on Residential Forced-Air Heating System Performance |
131 | ASHRAE JOURN 40-1 ARI-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | ASHRAE Journal - Volume 40 Number 1; January 1998 |
132 | ASHRAE 4200-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Integrating Radiant/Operative Temperature Controls into Building Energy Simulations |
133 | ASHRAE 4199-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Heat Transfer in Composite Walls: A Practical Two-Dimensional Thermal Circuit Method |
134 | ASHRAE 4198-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Experimental Results of a Predictive Neural Network HVAC Controller |
135 | ASHRAE 4196-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Building Automation on the Information Superhighway |
136 | ASHRAE 4195-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Effect of Underground Water Attack on the Performance of Mineral Wool Pipe Insulation - RP-721 |
137 | ASHRAE 4194-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Behavior of Cellular Glass Insulation on a DHC Pipe Subjected to Underground Water Attack - RP-721 |
138 | ASHRAE 4193-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | An Experimental Investigation of Ejector Performance Based Upon Different Refrigerants |
139 | ASHRAE 4192-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | An Analytical Model to Predict the Condensation Heat Transfer Coefficient in Horizontal Microfin Tubes |
140 | ASHRAE 4191-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | A Study on Evaluation of Random Failure in Building Facilities |
141 | ASHRAE 4190-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | A Modeling Study of a Centrifugal Compressor |
142 | ASHRAE 4189-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | New Insights into the Behavior of the Metastable Region of an Operating Capillary Tube - The Full Text of This Paper can be Found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research, Volume 4, Number 1, January 1998, pp. 105-115 |
143 | ASHRAE 4188-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Improvements in the Modeling and Simulation of Refrigeration Systems: Aerospace Tools Applied to a Domestic Refrigerator - The Full Text of This Paper can be Found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research, Volume 3, Number 4, October 1997, pp. 387-403 |
144 | ASHRAE 4187-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Field Validation of Algebraic Equations for Stack and Wind Driven Air Infiltration Calculations - The Full Text of This Paper can be Found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research, Volume 4, Number 2, April 1998, pp. 119-139 |
145 | ASHRAE 4186-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Experiments on the Dehumidification Performance of a Finned Tube Heat Exchanger - The Full Text of This Paper can be Found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research, Volume 4, Number 2, April 1998, pp. 167-178 |
146 | ASHRAE 4185-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Experimental Study of Free Convection at an Indoor Glazing Surface with a Venetian Blind - The Full Text of This Paper can be Found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research, Volume 4, Number 2, April 1998, pp. 153-166 |
147 | ASHRAE 4184-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Analysis of Energy Conversion Systems, Including Material and Global Warming Aspects - The Full Text of This Paper can be Found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research, Volume 4, Number 1, January 1998, pp. 45-65. |
148 | ASHRAE 4183-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | A Generalized Performance Prediction Method for Adiabatic Capillary Tubes - The Full Text of This Paper can be Found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research, Volume 1, Number 1, January 1998, pp. 27-43. |
149 | ASHRAE 4178-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | A Revised Procedure for Duct Design with Minimum Life-Cycle Cost |
150 | ASHRAE 4177-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Quantitative Comparison of North American and U.K. Cooling Load Calculation Procedures - Results - RP-942 |
151 | ASHRAE 4176-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Quantitative Comparison of North American and U.K. Cooling Load Calculation Procedures - Methodology - RP-942 |
152 | ASHRAE 4175-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Measuring the Effectiveness of Gas-Phase Air Filtration Equipment - Field Test Methods and Applications - RP-791 |
153 | ASHRAE 4174-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Effect of Air Pressure Differential on Vapor Flow Through Sample Building Walls - RP-746 |
154 | ASHRAE 4173-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | New Criterion Based on the Wavelet Transform for Power Quality Studies and Waveform Feature Localization - RP-770 |
155 | ASHRAE 4172-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Zero-Load Control of Indoor Thermal Environment |
156 | ASHRAE 4171-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Wind Data for Design of Smoke Control Systems - RP-816 |
157 | ASHRAE 4170-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Visualization Study of Enhanced Flash Boiling of R-22 with 5 mm Steel and Glass Spheres |
158 | ASHRAE 4169-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Thermoelectric Self-Powered Hydronic Heating Demonstration |
159 | ASHRAE 4168-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | The Knitted Metal Fiber Burner: A New Generation of Surface Combustion Material for Radiant Heat and Low NOx Applications |
160 | ASHRAE 4167-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | The Effects of Temperature, Light, and Sound on Perceived Work Environment |
161 | ASHRAE 4166-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | The Effect of Turbulent Structures on Hood Design - A Review of CFD and Flow Visualization Studies - The Full Text of this Paper can be Found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research, Volume 3, Number 3, July 1997, pp. 291-308 |
162 | ASHRAE 4165-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | The Effect of Distribution System Parameters on Air-Conditioning Motor Start-Up Flicker - RP-770 |
163 | ASHRAE 4164-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Relationships between the Indoor Environment and Productivity: a Literature Review - RP-700 |
164 | ASHRAE 4097-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Description of a Steady-State Cooling Plant Model Developed for Use in Evaluating Optimal Control of Ice Thermal Energy Storage Systems |
165 | ASHRAE 4096-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | A Simulation Environment for the Analysis of Ice Storage Controls - The full text of this paper can be found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Reaserch, Volume 3, Number 2, April 1997, pp. 128-148. |
166 | ASHRAE 4095-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | WYEC2 User's Manual and Software Toolkit - RP-728 |
167 | ASHRAE 4094-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Knowledge-Based Sizing of Congeneration Plant in Buildings |
168 | ASHRAE 4093-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Extending the Concept of Energy Delivery Efficiency (EDE) of HVAC Systems |
169 | ASHRAE 4092-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Development of District Heating and Cooling Plant Operation Support System |
170 | ASHRAE 4091-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | An Analysis of the Performance of Different Intermittent Heating Controllers and an Evaluation of Comfort and Energy Consumption - The full text of this paper can be found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Reacerch, Volume 3, Number 4, October 1997, pp. 369-386. |
171 | ASHRAE SF-98-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Design, Operating and Maintenance of GSHP Systems: Part 1 |
172 | ASHRAE SF-98-1-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Performance of a Hybrid Ground-Coupled Heat Pump System |
173 | ASHRAE SF-98-1-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Ground-Source Heat Pump Design and Operation - Experience within an Asian Country |
174 | ASHRAE SF-98-1-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Ground-Coupled Heat Pump Loop Design Using Thermal Conductivity Testing and the Effect of Different Backfill Materials on Vertical Bore Length |
175 | ASHRAE SF-98-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Energy Savings of Reflective Roofs: Part 1 |
176 | ASHRAE SF-98-2-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Cool Roofs Save Engergy |
177 | ASHRAE SF-98-2-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Measured Performance of a Reflective Roofing System in a Florida Commerical Building |
178 | ASHRAE SF-98-2-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Radiation Control Coatings Installed on Rough-Surfaced Built-Up Roofs - Iniital Test Results |
179 | ASHRAE SF-98-2-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Assessing the Impacts of White Roofs on Building Energy Loads |
180 | ASHRAE SF-98-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Heat Transfer in Special Fenestration: Skylights, Greenhouse, and Garden Windows: Part 1 |
181 | ASHRAE SF-98-3-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Greenhouse Window U-Factors under Field Conditions |
182 | ASHRAE SF-98-3-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Simulation and Testing of Pyramid and Barrel Vault Skylights - RP-877 |
183 | ASHRAE SF-98-3-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Improving Computer Simulations of Heat Transfer for Projecting Fenestration Products: Using Radiation View-Factor Models |
184 | ASHRAE SF-98-3-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Guidelines for Modeling Projecting Fenestration Products |
185 | ASHRAE SF-98-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on HVAC is for People |
186 | ASHRAE SF-98-4-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Interaction of Air Motion with the Human Body - RP-978 |
187 | ASHRAE SF-98-4-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Case Studies of Thermal Comfort for People with Physical Disabilities |
188 | ASHRAE SF-98-4-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Making Noise Comfortable for People |
189 | ASHRAE SF-98-4-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Designing for Thermal Comfort in Combined Chilled Ceiling/Displacement Ventilation Environments |
190 | ASHRAE SF-98-4-5-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Statistical Analysis of Unsolicited Thermal Sensation Complaints in Commercial Buildings |
191 | ASHRAE SF-98-5-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Design, Operating, and Maintenance of GSHP Systems: Part 2 |
192 | ASHRAE SF-98-5-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Well-Pumping Issues in Commercial Groundwater Heat Pump Systems |
193 | ASHRAE SF-98-5-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Development of Design Tools for Ground-Source Heat Pump Piping |
194 | ASHRAE SF-98-5-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Antifreeze Acceptability for Ground-Coupled Heat Pump Ground Loops in the United States |
195 | ASHRAE SF-98-5-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Using Calibrated Engineering Models to Predict Energy Savings in Large-Scale Geothermal Heat Pump Projects |
196 | ASHRAE SF-98-6-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Energy Savings of Reflective Roofs: Part 2 |
197 | ASHRAE SF-98-6-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | High-Albedo Roof Coatings - Impact on Energy Consumption |
198 | ASHRAE SF-98-6-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Measured and Simulated Performance of Reflective Roofing Systems in Residential Buildings |
199 | ASHRAE SF-98-6-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Calculations for Reflective Roofs in Support of Standard 90.1 |
200 | ASHRAE SF-98-7-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Field Studies of Thermal Comfort and Adaptation: Part 1 |
201 | ASHRAE SF-98-7-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Understanding the Adaptive Approach to Thermal Comfort |
202 | ASHRAE SF-98-7-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Perception of Comfort in Relation to Weather and Indoor Adaptive Opportunities |
203 | ASHRAE SF-98-7-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Acceptable Temperature Ranges in Naturally Ventilated and Air-Conditioned Offices |
204 | ASHRAE SF-98-7-5-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Thermal Comfort in Tropical Classrooms |
205 | ASHRAE SF-98-8-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Heat Transfer in Special Fenestration Systems: Curtain Wall: Part 2 |
206 | ASHRAE SF-98-8-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Evaluation of Solar Heat Gain Coefficient for Solar-Control Glazings and Shading Devices |
207 | ASHRAE SF-98-26-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Method for Measuring Fan Ventilation Rates in Livestock Buildings - Velocity Pressure Measurement |
208 | ASHRAE SF-98-26-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Modeling the Variation of Wind Speed with Height for Agricultural Source Pollution Control |
209 | ASHRAE SF-98-26-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Method to Measure Dust Production and Deposition Rates for a Ventilated Airspace without Recirculation Systems |
210 | ASHRAE SF-98-26-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Field Tests of Bio-Additives to Reduce Ammonia Emission from and Ammonia Concentration in Pig Houses |
211 | ASHRAE SF-98-26-5-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Evaluation of a Full-Scale Uniflow Aerodynamic Deduster in a Swine Building |
212 | ASHRAE SF-98-27-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Freezer Entryways |
213 | ASHRAE SF-98-27-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Applied Psychrometrics for High-Usage Freezers |
214 | ASHRAE SF-98-27-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Analytical Model for Hot-Gas Defrosting of a Cylindrical Coil Cooler: Part I - Model Development |
215 | ASHRAE SF-98-27-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Analytical Model for Hot-Gas Defrosting of a Cylindrical Coil Cooler: Part II - Model Results and Conclusions |
216 | ASHRAE SF-98-28-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Fundamentals of Air Jet Behavior for HVAC Applications |
217 | ASHRAE SF-98-28-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Experimental Determination of the Performance of a Four-Way Diffuser with Variable Area |
218 | ASHRAE SF-98-28-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Some Confinement Effects of Jets in Ventilated Rooms |
219 | ASHRAE SF-98-28-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Flow Characteristics of Three-Dimensional Wall Jets |
220 | ASHRAE SF-98-28-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Thermal Comfort and Cold Air Distribution |
221 | ASHRAE SF-98-29-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Internal Heat Gains and the New Load Calculation Procedure |
222 | ASHRAE SF-98-29-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Measurement of Radiant Heat Gain from Office Equipment Using a Scanning Radiometer - RP-822 |
223 | ASHRAE SF-98-29-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Electronic Equipment Heat Gains in Buildings |
224 | ASHRAE SF-98-29-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Effect of Varying the Radiative/Convective Split for Internal Gains on Cooling Load Calculations: A Case Study for the Pentagon |
225 | ASHRAE SF-98-30-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Measured Forced Air-Heating and Cooling System Performance in Houses |
226 | ASHRAE SF-98-30-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Field Measurements of Interactions between Furnaces and Forced-Air Distribution Systems |
227 | ASHRAE SF-98-30-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Study of the Thermal Efficiency of Six Natural Gas-Fueled Residential Furnaces |
228 | ASHRAE SF-98-30-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Monitored In-Situ Performance of Residential Air-Conditioning Systems |
229 | ASHRAE SF-98-31-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on New Water Heating Data, Technologies, and Evaluation |
230 | ASHRAE SF-98-31-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Field Test Results from Residential Electric Resistance Water-Heating Systems |
231 | ASHRAE SF-98-31-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Disaggregating Residential Hot Water Use - Part II |
232 | ASHRAE SF-98-31-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | New Hot Water Consumption Analysis and Water-Heating System Sizing Methodology |
233 | ASHRAE SOC 1998-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Society Business Presented at the ASHRAE Annual Meeting June 20 - 24, 1998 Toronto, Ontario |
234 | ASHRAE TO-98-6-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Advantages of Enhanced Synchronous Motors in Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Applications |
235 | ASHRAE TO-98-7-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Operating Experiences with Commercial Ground-Source Heat Pumps - Part 2 - RP-863 |
236 | ASHRAE TO-98-7-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Groundwater Source Technology Application for an Indoor Water Park |
237 | ASHRAE TO-98-7-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Design Method for Hybrid Ground-Source Heat Pumps |
238 | ASHRAE TO-98-7-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Maintenance and Service Costs of Commercial Building Ground-Source Heat Pump Systems |
239 | ASHRAE TO-98-8-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Exterior Exposed Ductwork: Delivery Effectiveness and Efficiency |
240 | ASHRAE TO-98-8-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Field Investigation of Duct System Performance in California Light Commercial Buildings |
241 | ASHRAE TO-98-8-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Ventilation, Humidity, and Energy Impacts of Uncontrolled Airflow in a Light Commercial Building |
242 | ASHRAE TO-98-8-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Building Cavities Used as Ducts: Air Leakage Characteristics and Impacts in Light Commercial Buildings |
243 | ASHRAE TO-98-9-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Effect of Airflow Nonuniformity on Evaporation Performance |
244 | ASHRAE TO-98-9-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Latent Capacity of Unitary Equipment |
245 | ASHRAE TO-98-9-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Computer Model Predictions of Dehumidification Performance of Unitary Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps Under Extreme Operating Conditions - RP-859 |
246 | ASHRAE TO-98-10-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Impact of Windows on Residential Energy Use |
247 | ASHRAE TO-98-10-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Are Window Energy Performance Selection Requirements in Line with Product Design in Heating-Dominated Climates? |
248 | ASHRAE TO-98-10-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Window Annual Energy Rating Systems: What They Tell Us About Residential Window Design and Selection |
249 | ASHRAE TO-98-11-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Energy Conservatiion Standards for Room Air Conditioners |
250 | ASHRAE TO-98-11-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Experimental Study of an R-407C Drop-In Test on an Off-the-Shelf Air Conditioner with a Counter-Cross-Flow Evaporator |
251 | ASHRAE TO-98-12-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Baseline Calculations for Measurement and Verification of Energy and Demand Savings in a Revolving Loan Program in Texas |
252 | ASHRAE TO-98-12-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Baseline Model for Utility Bill Analysis Using Both Weather and Non-Weather-Related Variables |
253 | ASHRAE TO-98-12-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Alternative Approaches to Baseline Estimation Using Calibrated Simulations |
254 | ASHRAE TO-98-12-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | The Significant Role of Energy Calculations in the Success of Long-Term Energy Guarantees |
255 | ASHRAE TO-98-12-5-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | The Effects of Varying Indoor Air Temperature and Heat Gain on the Measurement of Retrofit Savings |
256 | ASHRAE TO-98-13-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | The Smart Vapor Retarder: An Innovation Inspired by Computer Simulations |
257 | ASHRAE TO-98-13-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Prediction of Hygrothermal Performance of Building Envelope Parts Coupled with Indoor Climate |
258 | ASHRAE TO-98-13-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Boundary Element Analysis of Uncoupled Quasi-Static Hygrothermoelasticity for Two-Dimensional Composite Walls |
259 | ASHRAE TO-98-13-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Latent Heat Flow in Lightweight Roofs and Its Influence on the Thermal Performance of Buildings |
260 | ASHRAE TO-98-13-5-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Performance-Based Development of a Thermally Insulated Pitched Roof System |
261 | ASHRAE TO-98-14-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | New Recommended Heat Gains for Commercial Cooking Equipment |
262 | ASHRAE TO-98-14-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Determining the Efficiency of Grease-Removal Devices in Commercial Kitchen Applications - RP-851 |
263 | ASHRAE TO-98-14-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Development of Emission Test Methods and Emission Factors for Various Commercial Cooking Operations |
264 | ASHRAE TO-98-15-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Experimental Validation of Thermal and Pressure Models in a Laboratory Simulator |
265 | ASHRAE TO-98-15-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Numerical Simulation of Laboratory Fume Hood Airflow Performance - RP-848 |
266 | ASHRAE TO-98-15-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Measuring Adjacent Building Effects on Laboratory Exhaust Stack Design - RP-897 |
267 | ASHRAE TO-98-16-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Numerical Procedure for Simulation of Fanno Flows of Refrigerants or Refrigerant Mixtures in Capillary Tubes |
268 | ASHRAE TO-98-16-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Experimental Study on Evaporation and Condensation Heat Transfer Enhancement for R-407C Using Herringbone Heat Transfer Tube |
269 | ASHRAE TO-98-16-5-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Prediction of Convective Condensation Pressure Drop Characteristics of New Alternatives to R-502 |
270 | ASHRAE TO-98-17-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Comparsion of a Duct System Computer Model with Measured Data in a Residential Attic with a Duct System |
271 | ASHRAE TO-98-17-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Instrumentation and Measurement of Airflow and Temperature in Attics Fitted with Ridge and Soffit Vents |
272 | ASHRAE 4139-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | A Simple Methodology to Predict Local Temperature and Humidity |
273 | ASHRAE 4137-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Two-Dimensional Air Exfiltration and Heat Transfer Through Fiberglass Insulation: Part I - Numerical Model and Experimental Facility - The Full Text of this Paper Can Be Found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigating Research, Volume 3, Number 3, July 1997, pp. 197-213. |
274 | ASHRAE 4136-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Retail Refrigeration Systems - The Use of Ammonia and Two-Level Secondary Refrigeration |
275 | ASHRAE 4135-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Insulation of Steel Studs in the Rehab of Masonry Structures |
276 | ASHRAE 4134-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Potential of the Zeotropic Mixture R-22/R-142b in High-Temperature Heat Pump Water Heaters with Capacity Modulation |
277 | ASHRAE 4133-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | New Back-Pressure Control System Improving the Annual Performance of Scroll Compressors |
278 | ASHRAE SF-98-23-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Selection and Application of Control Valves and Balancing Valves Operating in Variable-Flow Hydronic Pumping Systems |
279 | ASHRAE SF-98-22-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Operating Strategy for Dynamic Ice Thermal Storage System |
280 | ASHRAE SF-98-22-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Integrated Heating and Cooling Thermal Energy Storage with Heat Pump Provides Economic and Environmental Solutions |
281 | ASHRAE SF-98-22-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Dupage County Chilled Water Storage Project |
282 | ASHRAE SF-98-22-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Energy and Environmental Performance of Central Energy Plants with Thermal Energy Storage |
283 | ASHRAE SF-98-21-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Heat Transfer Performance of a Coiled Tube Absorber with Working Fluid of Ammonia/Water |
284 | ASHRAE SF-98-21-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Ammonia-Water Bubble Absorber with a Plate Heat Exchanger |
285 | ASHRAE SF-98-21-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Design of Cross-Flow Condensers for Ammonia-Water Absorption Heat Pumps |
286 | ASHRAE SF-98-21-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Experimental Results and Modeling Tests of an Adsorptive Air-Conditioning Unit |
287 | ASHRAE SF-98-21-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Absorption/Sorption Heat Pumps and Refrigeration Systems: Part 2 - Component Modeling and Testing |
288 | ASHRAE SF-98-20-5-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Requirements and Guidelines for Low-Velocity Measurements |
289 | ASHRAE SF-98-20-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Impact of Velocity and Temperature Fluctuations on the Accuracy of Low-Velocity Measurements Indoors by Thermal Anemometers |
290 | ASHRAE SF-98-20-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Impact of Natural Convection on the Accuracy of Low-Velocity Measurements by Thermal Anemometers with Omnidirectional Sensor |
291 | ASHRAE SF-98-20-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | New Method for Testing Dynamic Characteristics of Low-Velocity Thermal Anemometers |
292 | ASHRAE SF-98-20-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Test Method for Describing Directional Sensitivity of Anemometers for Low-Velocity Measurements Indoors |
293 | ASHRAE SF-98-20-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Recent European Research on Low-Velocity Measurements |
294 | ASHRAE SF-98-19-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Test of an Improved Gas Engine-Driven Heat Pump |
295 | ASHRAE SF-98-19-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Development of an Emissions Test Procedure for Unitary Combustion Engine-Driven Heat Pumps - RP-790 |
296 | ASHRAE SF-98-19-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Relevance of Existing Heat Pump Testing and Rating Method Assumptions to Residential Gas Engine Heat Pumps - RP-780 |
297 | ASHRAE SF-98-19-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Current Advances in the Design, Test, and Application of Gas Engine-Driven Heat Pumps |
298 | ASHRAE SF-98-18-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Compressor-Driven Heat Pump Development Employing Porous Metal Hydride Compacts |
299 | ASHRAE SF-98-18-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | New Absorption Heat Pump |
300 | ASHRAE SF-98-18-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Operation and Performance of a 350 kW (100 RT) Single-Effect/Double-Lift Absorption Chiller in a District Heating Network |
301 | ASHRAE SF-98-18-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Approach for Assessing the Economics of Sorption Chillers |
302 | ASHRAE SF-98-18-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Absorption/Sorption Heat Pumps and Refrigeration Systems: Part 1 - Novel Systems |
303 | ASHRAE SF-98-17-5-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Verification Test of ASHRAE Standard 152P |
304 | ASHRAE SF-98-17-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Measured and Modeled Duct Efficiency in Manufactured Homes: Insights for Standard 152P |
305 | ASHRAE SF-98-17-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Reproducibility of ASHRAE Standard 152P: Results of a Round-Robin Test |
306 | ASHRAE SF-98-17-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Technical Background for Default Values Used for Forced-Air Systems in Proposed ASHRAE Standard 152P |
307 | ASHRAE TO-98-24-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Detailed Projected Area Data for the Human Body |
308 | ASHRAE TO-98-24-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Radiant Heating and Cooling, Displacement Ventilation with Heat Recovery and Storm Water Cooling: An Environmentally Responsible HVAC System |
309 | ASHRAE TO-98-23-5-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Detailed Modeling of Gas-Phase Chemistry Mechanisms in IAQ Simulation |
310 | ASHRAE TO-98-23-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Prediction of Short-Term and Long-Term VOC Emissions from SBR Bitumen-Backed Carpet under Different Temperatures |
311 | ASHRAE TO-98-23-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Using Large Environmental Chamber Technique for Gaseous Contaminant Removal Equipment Test |
312 | ASHRAE TO-98-23-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Effects of Airflow on Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds from Carpet-Adhesive Assemblies |
313 | ASHRAE TO-98-23-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Emissions of Odorous Aldehydes from an Alkyd Paint |
314 | ASHRAE TO-98-22-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Steel-Framed Buildings: Impacts of Wall Detail Configurations on the Whole Wall Thermal Performance |
315 | ASHRAE TO-98-22-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Hygrothermal Performance of a New Light Gauge Steel-Framed Envelope System |
316 | ASHRAE TO-98-22-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Technique for Calculating the Effective Thermal Resistance of Steel Stud Walls for Code Compliance |
317 | ASHRAE TO-98-21-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Extension of the Multiple Spaces Concept of ASHRAE Standard 62 to Include Infiltration, Exhaust/Exfiltration, Interzonal Transfer, and Additional Short-Circuit Paths |
318 | ASHRAE INDEX OF VOI 104 PT 1A &B-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Index of Technical and Symposium Papers Vol. 104, Parts 1A and 1B |
319 | ASHRAE INDEX OF VOL. 104 PT 2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Index of Technical and Symposium Papers Volume 104, Part 2 |
320 | ASHRAE TO-98-21-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Mixing Box Damper Testing |
321 | ASHRAE TO-98-21-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Application of CO2-Based Demand-Controlled Ventilation Using ASHRAE Standard 62: Optimizing Energy Use and Ventilation |
322 | ASHRAE TO-98-20-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Vented and Sealed Attics in Hot Climates |
323 | ASHRAE TO-98-20-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Monitored Summer Peak Attic Air Temperatures in Florida Residences |
324 | ASHRAE TO-98-20-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Effects of Radiant Barriers and Attic Ventilation on Residential Attics and Attic Duct Systems: New Tools for Measuring and Modeling |
325 | ASHRAE TO-98-19-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Heat Transfer Coefficients for Propane (R-290), Isobutane (R-600a), and 50/50 Mixture of Propane and Isobutane |
326 | ASHRAE TO-98-19-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Heat Transfer Characteristics in the U-Bend of a Microfin Tube Evaporator Using R-407-C |
327 | ASHRAE TO-98-19-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | An Experimental Study of Convective Boiling of Refrigerants R-22 and R-410A |
328 | ASHRAE TO-98-19-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Experimental Study of the Effects of the Spiral Angle on Evaporative Heat Transfer Enhancement in Microfin Tubes |
329 | ASHRAE TO-98-18-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Superinsulation in Refrigerators and Freezers |
330 | ASHRAE TO-98-18-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Experimental and Analytical Evaluation of a Ground-Coupled Refrigerator-Freezer |
331 | ASHRAE TO-98-18-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | An Experimental Study on New Egg-Crate Type Evaporators in Domestic Refrigerators and Freezers |
332 | ASHRAE TO-98-18-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Experimental Investigation of an Alternating Evaporator Duty Refrigerator/Freezer |
333 | ASHRAE TO-98-17-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Roof Ventilation to Prevent Problematic Icings at Eaves |
334 | ASHRAE TO-98-17-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Comparative Summer Attic Thermal Performance of Six Roof Constructions |
335 | ASHRAE TO-98-6-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Measuring the Performance of a Variable-Speed Drive Retrofit on a Fixed-Speed Centrifugal Chiller |
336 | ASHRAE TO-98-6-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Higher Efficiencies by Means of Variable-Speed Technology in a Domestic Refrigeration Application |
337 | ASHRAE TO-98-6-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | General Purpose Variable-Speed Drive and Motor Application Considerations |
338 | ASHRAE TO-98-5-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Feedforward-Feedback Controller Using General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) for Laboratory HVAC System: Part III - Temperature Control - Heating |
339 | ASHRAE TO-98-5-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Feedforward-Feedback Controller Using General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) for Laboratory HVAC System: Part II - Temperature Control - Cooling |
340 | ASHRAE TO-98-5-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Feedforward-Feedback Controller Using General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) for Laboratory HVAC System: Part I - Pressure Control |
341 | ASHRAE TO-98-4-5-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Correcting the Thermal Inefficiencies of a Cogeneration and Boiler Plant by Low-Pressure Steam Conversions and Hot Water Thermal Energy Storage |
342 | ASHRAE TO-98-4-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Improving Cogeneration Plant Performance Through Effective Maintenance Strategies |
343 | ASHRAE TO-98-4-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Proposed Renovation of a District Cooling Plant to Optimize the Existing Distribution System and Increase Production Capacity |
344 | ASHRAE TO-98-4-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | District Energy as a Response to Climate Change: The Experience in Europe and the Potential in America |
345 | ASHRAE TO-98-4-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Rationalization of Low-Temperature to Medium-Temperature District Heating |
346 | ASHRAE TO-98-3-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Heat Transfer Characteristics and Correlations for R-410A Flowing Inside a Horizontal Smooth Tube |
347 | ASHRAE TO-98-3-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Comparison Study of Compact Plate Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchangers |
348 | ASHRAE TO-98-3-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Flow Regime Mapping and Analysis of R-134a in a Small-Channel Cross-Flow Condenser |
349 | ASHRAE TO-98-3-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Refrigerant Inventory of R-134a in a Small-Channel Cross-Flow Condenser |
350 | ASHRAE TO-98-2-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Impact of Different Weather Data on Simulated Residential Heating and Cooling Loads |
351 | ASHRAE TO-98-2-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Which Weather Data Should you Use for Energy Simulations of Commercial Buildings? |
352 | ASHRAE TO-98-2-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Production of the Weather Year for Energy Calculations Version 2 (WYEC2) Data Files |
353 | ASHRAE TO-98-1-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Comparison of Heating and Cooling Energy Consumption by HVAC System with Mixing and Displacement Air Distribution for a Restaurant Dining Area in Different Climates |
354 | ASHRAE TO-98-1-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Design for Smoking Areas: Part 2 - Applications |
355 | ASHRAE TO-98-1-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Design for Smoking Areas: Part 1 - Fundamentals |
356 | ASHRAE TO-98-1-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Contaminant and Heat Removal Effectiveness and Air-to-Air Heat/Energy Recovery for a Contaminated Air Space |
357 | ASHRAE TECH SEC 98-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Technical Papers - Presented at the ASHRAE Winter Meeting - January 17-21, 1998 - San Francisco, California |
358 | ASHRAE 4129-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | An Entropy-Based, Air-Side Heat Exchanger Performance Evaluation Method: Application to a Condenser - The Full Text of This Paper can be Found in the International Joutnal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Researcg, Volumn 3, July 1997, pp.185-195. |
359 | ASHRAE 4131-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Drying R-407C and R-410A Refrigerant Blends with Molecular Sieve Desiccants |
360 | ASHRAE 4132-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Method for Accelerating the Estimation of Wear in Rolling-Piston-Type Rotary Compressors |
361 | ASHRAE SF-98-26-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Air Cleaning for Animal Facilities |
362 | ASHRAE SF-98-25-6-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Low-Frequency Vibrations Associated with Fan Discharge Grille System |
363 | ASHRAE SF-98-25-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Test and Analysis Methods for Resolving Fan/Motor Vibration Problems in Air-Conditioning Units |
364 | ASHRAE SF-98-24-5-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Some Recommendations for Improvements to ASHRAE Standard 84-1991 - RP-862 |
365 | ASHRAE SF-98-24-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Uncertainty Analysis in the Testing of Air-to-Air Heat/Energy Exchangers Installed in Buildings - RP-862 |
366 | ASHRAE SF-98-24-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Symposium on Air-to-Air Energy Exchanger Performance, Testing, and Standards |
367 | ASHRAE SF-98-23-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Selection of Hydronic Balancing Valves |
368 | ASHRAE SF-98-23-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Pressure Drop Consideration of Control Valves |
369 | ASHRAE SF-98-23-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Effect of Sizing Mismatch on Coil Valve Performance |
370 | ASHRAE SF-98-23-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Application of Control Valves and Balancing Valves in a Variable-Flow Hydronic System |
371 | ASHRAE 4182-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | T-Method Duct Design: Part V - Duct Leakage Calculation Technique and Economics |
372 | ASHRAE 4181-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | T-Method Duct Design: Part 1V - Duct Leakage Theory |
373 | ASHRAE 4180-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Selection of Cold Air Diffusers - RP-849 |
374 | ASHRAE 4179-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Airflow in Unfurnished Rooms |
375 | ASHRAE TO-98-25-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Performance Check between Whole Building Thermal Performance Criteria and Exterior Wall Measured Clear Wall R-Value, Thermal Bridging, Thermal Mass, and Airtightness |
376 | ASHRAE TO-98-25-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Stack-Driven Moisture Problems in a Multi-Family Residential Building |
377 | ASHRAE TO-98-25-2-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Insulation Failure and Moisture Problems Resulting from Inadequate Installation of Insulation and/or Vapor Retarders |
378 | ASHRAE TO-98-25-1-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Airtightness of U.S. Dwellings |
379 | ASHRAE TO-98-24-4-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Three-Dimensional Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Cover Materials on Heat Transfer in Floor Heating Systems |
380 | ASHRAE TO-98-24-3-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Radiant Heat Transfer Between the Human Body and its Surroundings |
381 | ASHRAE 4138-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Two-Dimensional Air Exfiltration and Heat Transfer Through Fiberglass Insulation: Part II - Comparision between Simulations and Experiments - The Full Text of This Paper Can Be Found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigating Research, Volume 3, Number 3, July 1997, pp. 215-232 |
382 | ASHRAE 4163-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Particle Separation from a Uniflow Aerodynamic Deduster |
383 | ASHRAE 4162-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Improving Occupant Comfort without an Engergy Penalty in Homes Heated by Electric Heat Pumps |
384 | ASHRAE 4161-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Health and Productivity Benefits of Improved Indoor Air Quality |
385 | ASHRAE 4160-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Transmission of Sound from Air Terminal Devices Through Ceiling Systems - RP-755 |
386 | ASHRAE 4159-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Sound Pressure Level VS. Distance from Sources in Rooms - RP-755 |
387 | ASHRAE 4158-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Environmental Correction Factors for Predicting Room Sound Pressure Levels - RP-755 |
388 | ASHRAE 4157-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Damper Control Characteristics and Mixing Effectiveness of an Air-Handling Unit Combination Mixing/Filter Box |
389 | ASHRAE 4156-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Airflow Around a Passenger Seated in a Bus - The Full Text of This Paper Can be Found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research, Volume 3, October 1997, pp. 311-323 |
390 | ASHRAE 4155-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Advanced Feedback Control of Indoor Air Quality Using Real-Time Computational Fluid Dynamics |
391 | ASHRAE 4154-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | A New Experimental Approach for the Evaluation of Domestic Ventilation Systems: Part 3 - Evaluation of Ventilation Systems for an Entire House |
392 | ASHRAE 4153-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | A New Experimental Approach for the Evaluation of Domestic Ventilation Systems: Part 2 - Necessary Airtightness Levels, Inner Door Conditions, and Temperature Difference for Successful Function of Nonduct Exhaust-Only Ventilation System |
393 | ASHRAE 4152-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | A New Experimental Approach for the Evaluation of Domestic Ventilation Systems: Part 1 - Description of Experimental Facilities and Their Application to the Quantification of Buoyancy-Driven Airflow in Two-Story Houses |
394 | ASHRAE 4151-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Wavelet Analysis of Electric Adjustable Speed Drive Waveforms |
395 | ASHRAE 4150-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Voltage and Current Transducer Harmonic Sensitivity Analysis - RP-770 |
396 | ASHRAE REF IP CH 51-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Codes and Standards |
397 | ASHRAE 4149-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Effectiveness of a Municipal Ground-Coupled Reversible Heat Pump System Compared to an Air-Source System |
398 | ASHRAE 4148-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Small-Scale On-Line Diagnostics for an HVAC System - RP-883 |
399 | ASHRAE 4147-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Reduction of Hysteresis in PI-Controlled Systems |
400 | ASHRAE 4146-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Rates of Evaporation from Swimming Pools in Active Use |
401 | ASHRAE 4145-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Optimal Preview Control for HVAC System |
402 | ASHRAE 4144-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Laboratory Measurements of Wind Effects on Ridge Vent Performance |
403 | ASHRAE 4143-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Introducing Building Energy Simulation Classes on the Web |
404 | ASHRAE 4142-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Flow Control with Electric Actuators - The Full Text of this Paper Can Be Found in the International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research, Volume3, Number 3, July 1997, pp. 265-289 |
405 | ASHRAE 4141-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | Challenges in Modeling Vapor-Compression Liquid Chillers |
406 | ASHRAE 4140-1998 | 1998-01-01 | English | A Standard Simulation Test Bed for the Evaluation of Control Algorithms and Strategies - RP-825 |
407 | ASHRAE JOURN 39-12 FDA-1997 | 1997-12-01 | English | ASHRAE Journal - Volume 39 Number 12; December 1997 |
408 | ASHRAE JOURN 39-11 ISM-1997 | 1997-11-01 | English | ASHRAE Journal - Volume 39 Number 11, November 1997 |
409 | ASHRAE JOURN 39-10 VC-1997 | 1997-10-01 | English | ASHRAE Journal - Volume 39 Number 10, October 1997 |
410 | ASHRAE IJHVAC 3-4-1997 | 1997-10-01 | English | International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research - Volume 3, Number 4, October 1997 |
411 | ASHRAE JOURN SUPP SEPT 1997-1997 | 1997-09-01 | English | ASHRAE Journal - Supplement September 1997 |
412 | ASHRAE JOURN 39-9 MP-1997 | 1997-09-01 | English | ASHRAE Journal - Volume 39 Number 9, September 1997 |
413 | ASHRAE JOURN 39-8 ANC-1997 | 1997-08-01 | English | ASHRAE Journal - Volume 39 Number 8, August 1997 |
414 | ASHRAE IJHVAC 3-3-1997 | 1997-07-01 | English | International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research - Volume 3, Number 3, July 1997 |
415 | ASHRAE JOURN 39-5 MGCE-1997 | 1997-05-01 | English | ASHRAE Journal - Volume 39, Number 5, May 1997 |
416 | ASHRAE JOURN 39-4 IVS-1997 | 1997-04-01 | English | ASHRAE Journal - Volume 39, Number 4; April 1997 |
417 | ASHRAE IJHVAC 3-2-1997 | 1997-04-01 | English | International Journal of Heating, Ventilating, Air-Conditioning and Refrigerating Research - Volume 3, Number 2, April 1997 |
418 | ASHRAE JOURN 39-3 TA-1997 | 1997-03-01 | English | ASHRAE Journal - Volume 39, Number 3; March 1997 |
419 | ASHRAE JOURN 39-2 TV-1997 | 1997-02-01 | English | ASHRAE Journal - Volume 39, Number 2; February 1997 |
420 | ASHRAE 129-1997 | 1997-01-30(R 2002) | English | Measuring Air-Change Effectiveness - (with minor editorial changes) |
421 | ASHRAE 20-1997 | 1997-01-29(R 2006) | English | Method of Testing for Rating Remote Mechanical-Draft Air-Cooled Refrigerant Condensers |
422 | ASHRAE BN-97-13-1-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | VAV Systems Work Despite Some Design and Application Problems |
423 | ASHRAE BN-97-16-2-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Review of Laboratory and Field Methods to Measure Fan, Pump, and Chiller Performance - RP-827 |
424 | ASHRAE BN-97-16-1-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Examples of Neural Networks Used for Building System Control and Energy Management |
425 | ASHRAE BN-97-16-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Symposium on Field Methods for Analyzing Equipment, Building, and Facility Energy Use |
426 | ASHRAE BN-97-15-3-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Ultrasonic Humidification: System Integration, Energy, and Indoor Air Quality Engineering Issues |
427 | ASHRAE BN-97-15-2-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Most Precise and Clean Mode for Humidification of Space |
428 | ASHRAE BN-97-15-1-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Proper Application of Modern Steam Humidifiers |
429 | ASHRAE BN-97-15-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Symposium on Humidity Technologies and Their Effect on IAQ |
430 | ASHRAE 68-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Laboratory Method of Testing to Determine the Sound Power in a Duct - AMCA 330-97 |
431 | ASHRAE BN-97-14-4-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Potential Exposure to Airborne Contamination in Fan Penthouses |
432 | ASHRAE BN-97-14-3-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Laboratory Fume Hood and Exhaust Fan Penthouse Exposure Risk Analysis Using the ANSI/ASHRAE 110-1995 and Other Tracer Gas Methods |
433 | ASHRAE BN-97-14-2-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Using the ASHRAE 110 Test as a TQM Tool to Improve Laboratory Fume Hood Performance |
434 | ASHRAE BN-97-14-1-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Study of How Sash Movement Affects Performance of Fume Hoods |
435 | ASHRAE BN-97-14-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Symposium on Recent Advances in Fume Hood Testing |
436 | ASHRAE BN-97-13-4-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | VAV System Performance - Field Characterization of Airflow, System Diagnosis Tools, and Operational Design Implications |
437 | ASHRAE BN-97-13-3-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Situations to Consider When Variable Air Volume is an Option |
438 | ASHRAE BN-97-13-2-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | VAV Systems - What Makes Them Succeed? What Makes Them Fail? |
439 | ASHRAE BN-97-13-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Symposium on Why VAV Systems Do Not Work - Or Do They? |
440 | ASHRAE BN-97-12-1-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Experimental Study of Heat Transfer Characteristics of New Alternatives to R-502 |
441 | ASHRAE BN-97-12-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Symposium on Thermal and Fluid Characteristics in HVAC and Refrigeration Heat Exchange Processes |
442 | ASHRAE BN-97-11-4-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Geothermal Heat Pump Energy Savings Performance Contract at Fort Polk, Lessons Learned |
443 | ASHRAE BN-97-11-3-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Electrical Energy and Demand Savings from a Geothermal Heat Pump Energy Savings Performance Contract at Fort Polk, Louisiana |
444 | ASHRAE BN-97-11-2-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Estimated Maintenance Cost Savings From a Geothermal Heat Pump Energy Savings Performance Contract at Fort Polk, Louisiana |
445 | ASHRAE BN-97-11-1-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Assessment of Antifreeze Solutions for Ground-Source Heat Pump Systems - RP-908 |
446 | ASHRAE BN-97-11-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Symposium on Vertical Geothermal Heat Pump Projects: Making Them Trouble Free and Self-Funding-Part 2 |
447 | ASHRAE BN-97-10-3-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Thermal Storage Incorporated in the Mechanical System for Printing Works to Offset Peak Loads |
448 | ASHRAE BN-97-10-2-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Dynamic Ice Harvesting Thermal Energy Storage and Powdered Eggs (or Which Came First - the Ice or the Egg?) |
449 | ASHRAE BN-97-10-1-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Slurry Ice Thermal Energy Storage for Cheese Process Cooling |
450 | ASHRAE BN-97-10-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Symposium on Industrial and Agricultural Applications of Thermal Energy Storage and Swine House IAQ |
451 | ASHRAE BN-97-9-3-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Memorial Tunnel Fire Ventilation Test Program: Test Summary and Comparisons |
452 | ASHRAE BN-97-9-2-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Memorial Tunnel Fire Ventilation Test Program: The Longitudinal and Natural Tests |
453 | ASHRAE BN-97-9-1-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Memorial Tunnel Fire Ventilation Test Program: The Extraction Tests |
454 | ASHRAE BN-97-9-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Symposium on Memorial Tunnel Fire Ventilation Test Program - Part 2 |
455 | ASHRAE BN-97-8-3-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Comparison of Practical Vertical Ground Heat Exchanger Sizing Methods to a Fort Polk Data/Model Benchmark |
456 | ASHRAE BN-97-8-2-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Residential Vertical Geothermal Heat Pump System Models: Calibration to Data |
457 | ASHRAE BN-97-8-1-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Simulation of a Single Vertical U-Tube Ground Heat Exchanger in an Infinte Medium |
458 | ASHRAE BN-97-8-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Symposium on Understanding Vertical Ground Heat Exchangers: Alone and in Systems - Part 1 |
459 | ASHRAE BN-97-7-4-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | R-134a Qualification - Industry Refrigerator Capillary Data |
460 | ASHRAE BN-97-7-3-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Simulating Effects of Multispeed Compressors on Refrigerator/Freezer Performance |
461 | ASHRAE BN-97-7-2-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Experimental and Cost Analyses of a One Kilowatt-Hour/Day Domestic Refrigerator-Freezer |
462 | ASHRAE PH-97-9-2-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Production-Scale Handling of Zeotropic Blends |
463 | ASHRAE PH-97-9-3-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Experience with Refrigerant Mixtures |
464 | ASHRAE PH-97-9-4-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Performance of R-32/R-125/R-134a Mixtures in Systems with Accumulators or Flooded Evaporators |
465 | ASHRAE PH-97-9-5-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Modeling and Testing of Fractionation Effects with Refrigerant Blends in an Actual Residential Heat Pump System |
466 | ASHRAE PH-97-10-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Symposium on Thermal and Fluid Flow Characteristics of Alternative Refrigerants/Refrigerant Mixtures |
467 | ASHRAE PH-97-10-1-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | System Performance of a Split-Type Unit Having R-22 and R-407C as Working Fluids |
468 | ASHRAE PH-97-10-2-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Two-Phase Flow Pattern for R-134a Inside a 6.5-mm (0.25-in.) Smooth Tube |
469 | ASHRAE PH-97-10-3-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | EHD Enhancement of In-Tube Condensation Heat Transfer of Alternate Refrigerant R-134a in Smooth and Microfin Tubes |
470 | ASHRAE PH-97-10-4-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Comparative Study of Heat Transfer Characteristics of New Alternatives to R-22 |
471 | ASHRAE PH-97-11-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Symposium on Topics in Desiccant Technology |
472 | ASHRAE PH-97-11-1-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Dynamic Testing of Desiccant Matrices and Computerized Evaluation of Performance Maps |
473 | ASHRAE PH-97-11-2-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Novel Desiccant Cooling System Using Indirect Evaporative Cooler |
474 | ASHRAE PH-97-11-3-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Demonstration and Testing of an All-Electric Desiccant Dehumidifying System at a New Jersery Supermarket |
475 | ASHRAE PH-97-12-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Symposium on Advanced Cycles and Systems for Air Conditioning and Refrigeration |
476 | ASHRAE PH-97-12-1-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Modeling of Absorption/Compression Cycles Using Working Pair Carbon Dioxide/Acetone |
477 | ASHRAE PH-97-12-2-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Theoretical Evaluation of the Optimal Performance of a Thermoacoustic Refrigerator |
478 | ASHRAE PH-97-12-3-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Heat Pump Assisted Dryer Using Refrigerant Mixtures - Batch Mode Drying |
479 | ASHRAE PH-97-13-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Testing Results for Advanced Combustion Systems |
480 | ASHRAE PH-97-13-1-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Performance of Oil-Fired Boilers: Influence of Fuel Sulfur on Emissions and Appliance Integrity - RP-757 |
481 | ASHRAE PH-97-13-2-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Field Study of Combustion Air Intake Systems for Cold Climates - RP-735 |
482 | ASHRAE PH-97-13-3-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Development of a Low-NOx Fire-Tube Boiler Based on Enhanced Flame Cooling |
483 | ASHRAE PH-97-13-4-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Residential Oil Burners with Low Input and Two-Stage Firing |
484 | ASHRAE PH-97-14-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Symposium on Modeling of Radiative-Convective Hybrid Thermal Comfort Systems |
485 | ASHRAE PH-97-14-1-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Numerical Study of Thermostat Setpoint Profiles for Floor Radiant Heating and the Effect of Thermal Mass |
486 | ASHRAE PH-97-14-2-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Implementation of a Radiant Heating and Cooling Model into an Integrated Building Energy Analysis Program |
487 | ASHRAE PH-97-14-3-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Thermal Comfort Analysis Using BCAP for Retrofitting a Radiantly Heated Residence - RP-907 |
488 | ASHRAE PH-97-14-4-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Temperature Regulation of Radiant Floor Heating Systems Using Two-Parameter On-Off Control: Experimental Study |
489 | ASHRAE PH-97-15-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Symposium on High Performance Buildings and Solar Energy Use |
490 | ASHRAE PH-97-15-2-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Developments on Passive Cooling in Buildings - Results from Recent Research |
491 | ASHRAE PH-97-15-3-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Optimization of Energy Use for Advanced Solar Houses |
492 | ASHRAE PH-97-16-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Symposium on Where Simulation Stops: Calculation Tools to Assist in Predicting Window Performance |
493 | ASHRAE PH-97-16-1-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Prediction of the Multicellular Flow Regime of Natural Convection in Fenestration Glazing Cavities |
494 | ASHRAE PH-97-16-2-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Determination of Size-Specific U-Factors and Solar Heat Gain Coefficients from Rated Values at Established Sizes - A Simplified Approach |
495 | ASHRAE PH-97-16-3-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Solar Heat Gain Coefficient of Complex Fenestrations with a Venetian Blind for Differing Slat Tilt Angels |
496 | ASHRAE TECH SEC 97-1-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Technical Papers - Presented at the ASHRAE Winter Meeting February 24-29, 1997 Philadelphia, PA |
497 | ASHRAE TECH SEC 97-2-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Technical Papers - Presented at the ASHRAE Annual Meeting June 28 - July 2, 1997; Boston Mass. |
498 | ASHRAE TRAN 1997-1-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | 1997 ASHRAE TRANSACTIONS - VOLUME 103 - PART 1 |
499 | ASHRAE TRAN 1997-1 BOOK-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | 1997 ASHRAE TRANSACTIONS - VOLUME 103 - PART 1 |
500 | ASHRAE 4059-1997 | 1997-01-01 | English | Performance of Nozzle-Sprayed Ammonia Evaporator with Square-Pitch Plain-Tube Bundle - RP 725 |