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Posstandard Numberpublication dateLanguageDescription
1AFNOR NF EN ISO 11591-20012001-03-01FrenchSmall craft, engine-driven - Field of vision from helm position
2AFNOR NF EN 12445-20012001-03-01FrenchIndustrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Safety in use of power operated doors - Test methods
3AFNOR NF EN 60730-1-20012001-03-01FrenchAutomatic electrical controls for household and similar use - Part 1 : general requirements - Modified by NF EN 60730-1/A11:200206 (C47-730/A11),NF EN 60730-1/A12:200312 (C47-730/A12),NF EN 60730-1/A1:200501 (C47-730/A1),NF EN 60730-1/A13:200501 (C47-730/A13),NF EN 60730-1/A14:200505 (C47-730/A14),NF EN 60730-1/A15:200705 (C47-730/A15),NF EN 60730-1/A16:200709 (C47-730/A16),NF EN 60730-1/A2:200809 (C47-730/A2)
4AFNOR NF EN 12775-20012001-03-01FrenchSolid wood panels - Classification and terminology
5AFNOR UTE C73-999/A2-20012001-03-01FrenchSafety of household and similar electrical appliances - Particular requirements for thin heating films incorporated into the building and for radiant modules
6AFNOR NF T45-018-20012001-03-01FrenchRaw material for the rubber industry - Chemical products - Dispersions or principal mixtures
7AFNOR UTE C71-115/A1-20012001-03-01FrenchLuminaires - Particular rules - Luminaires for aquariums
8AFNOR NF P15-900-2-20012001-03-01FrenchLocal public services - Guidelines for drinking water supply and sewerage service activities - Part 2 : management of a sewerage network
9AFNOR NF EN 54-7-20012001-03-01FrenchFire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 7 : smoke detectors - Point detectors using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization - Modified by NF EN 54-7/A1:200210 (S61-987/A1),NF EN 54-7/A2:200608 (S61-987/A2)
10AFNOR NF EN ISO 10545-16-20012001-03-01FrenchCeramic tiles - Part 16 : determination of small colour differences
11AFNOR NF EN 61837-3-20012001-03-01FrenchSurface mounted piezoelectric devices for frequency control and selection - Standard outlines and terminal lead connections - Part 3 : metal enclosures
12AFNOR NF EN 50293-20012001-03-01FrenchElectromagnetic compatibility - Road traffic signal systems - Product standard
13AFNOR NF EN 301001-1-20012001-03-01FrenchIntegrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) - Outing Call Barring (OCB) supplementary services - Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. one (DSS1) protocol - Part 1 : protocol specification
14AFNOR NF EN 12560-5-20012001-03-01FrenchFlanges and their joints - Gaskets for Class-designated flanges - Part 5 : metallic ring-joint gaskets for use with steel flanges
15AFNOR NF EN ISO 3497-20012001-03-01FrenchMetallic coatings - Measurement of coating thickness - X-ray spectrometric methods
16AFNOR NF EN 12369-1-20012001-03-01FrenchWood-based panels - Characteristic values for structural design - Part 1 : OSB, particleboards and fiberboards
17AFNOR NF EN 12350-7-20012001-03-01FrenchTesting fresh concrete - Part 7 : air content - Pressure methods
18AFNOR NF EN 61232/A11-20012001-03-01FrenchAluminium-clad steel wires for electrical purposes
19AFNOR NF EN ISO 10637-20012001-03-01FrenchDental equipment - High- and medium-volume suction systems
20AFNOR NF ETS 300478-1-20012001-03-01FrenchNetwork Aspects (NA) - Connectionless Broadband Data Service (CBDS) over Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) - Framework and protocol specification at the User-Network Interface (UNI) - Part 1 : specification
21AFNOR NF ETS 300479-1-20012001-03-01FrenchNetwork Aspects (NA) - Connectionless Broadband Data Service (CBDS) over Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) - Protocol specification at the Network Node Interface (NNI) - Part 1 : specification
22AFNOR NF ETS 300482-20012001-03-01FrenchIntegrated Service Digital Network (ISDN) - ISDN-Global System for Mobil communications (GSM) Public Land Mobile Network (PLMN) signalling interface - Test specification
23AFNOR NF ETS 300624-20012001-03-01FrenchDigital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2) - Interworking of GSM Network management (NM) procedures and messages at the Base Station Controller (BSC) (GSM 12.22, version 4.1.4)
24AFNOR NF ETS 300625-20012001-03-01FrenchDigital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2) - Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) - Stage 1 (GSM 02.90, version 4.1.1)
25AFNOR NF ETS 300626-20012001-03-01FrenchDigital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2) - Application of the Base Station System Application Part (BSSAP) on the E-interface (GSM 09.08, version 4.1.1)
26AFNOR NF ETS 300627-20012001-03-01FrenchDigital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2) - Subscriber and equipment trace (GSM 12.08, version 4.5.1)
27AFNOR NF EN 62023-20012001-03-01FrenchStructuring of technical information and documentation
28AFNOR NF EN 61837-2-20012001-03-01FrenchSurface mounted piezoelectric devices for frequency control and selection - Standard outlines and terminal lead connections - Part 2 : ceramic enclosures
29AFNOR NF EN 61131-7-20012001-03-01FrenchProgrammable controllers - Part 7 : fuzzy control programming
30AFNOR NF EN 61834-6-20012001-03-01FrenchRecording - Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use (525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) - Part 6 : SDL format
31AFNOR NF ISO 1342-20012001-03-01FrenchOil of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.)
32AFNOR NF EN 60598-2-8/A1-20012001-03-01FrenchLuminaires - Part 2 : particular requirements - Section 8 : handlamps
33AFNOR NF EN 60204-11-20012001-03-01FrenchSafety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part 11 : requirements for HV equipement for voltages above 1000 V a.c. or 1500 V d.c. and not exceeding 36 kV
34AFNOR NF EN 54-5-20012001-03-01FrenchFire detection and fire alarm systems - Part 5 : heat detectors - Point detectors - Modified by NF EN 54-5/A1:200210 (S61-985/A1)
35AFNOR NF C48-211 F9-20012001-03-01FrenchFiche d'interpr茅tation n掳 2001-002 de la norme NF C48-211 de f茅vrier 1989
36AFNOR NF M60-780-8-20012001-03-01FrenchNuclear energy - Measurement of radioactivity in the environment - Bioindicators - Part 8 : glossary
37AFNOR NF M60-780-2-20012001-03-01FrenchNuclear energy - Measurement of radioactivity in the environment - Bioindicators - Part 2 : guidance for sampling technicals
38AFNOR NF M60-780-1-20012001-03-01FrenchNuclear energy - Measurement of radioactivity in the environment - Bioindicators - Part 1 : guidance for the design of sampling programs
39AFNOR NF M60-780-0-20012001-03-01FrenchNuclear energy - Measurement of radioactivity in the environment - Bioindicators - Part 0 : general principles
40AFNOR NF M60-317-20012001-03-01FrenchNuclear energy - Nuclear fuel technology - Waste - Determination of nickel 63 in effluents and waste by liquid scintillation after a preliminary chemical extraction
41AFNOR NF M60-315-20012001-03-01FrenchNuclear energy - Nuclear fuel technology - Waste - Recommendations for the calibration of an activity measurement facility of radioactive waste forms by passive neutron counting
42AFNOR NF B35-356-20012001-03-01FrenchLaboratory glassware - Butyrometers for dry milk and dry milk products
43AFNOR NF EN 300279-20012001-03-01FrenchElectroMagnetic Compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM) - ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for Private land Mobile Radio (PMR) and ancillary equipment (speech and/or non-speech)
44AFNOR NF EN 300645-20012001-03-01FrenchTelecommunications Management Network (TMN) - Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) radio relay equipment - Information model for use on Q-interfaces
45AFNOR XP ENV 13712-20012001-03-01FrenchPostal services - Forms - Harmonised vocabulary
46AFNOR UTE C58-501-20012001-03-01FrenchSafety data sheet for lead-acid batteries
47AFNOR NF EN 12560-4-20012001-03-01FrenchFlanges and their joints - Gaskets for Class-designated flanges - Part 4 : corrugated, flat or grooved metallic and filled metallic gaskets for use with steel flanges
48AFNOR NF EN 12699-20012001-03-01FrenchExecution of special geotechnical work - Displacement piles
49AFNOR NF EN 12560-3-20012001-03-01FrenchFlanges and their joints - Gaskets for Class-designated flanges - Part 3 : non-metallic PTFE envelope gaskets
50AFNOR NF EN 12560-2-20012001-03-01FrenchFlanges and their joints - Gaskets for Class-designated flanges - Part 2 : spiral wound gaskets for use with steel flanges
51AFNOR NF EN 61937-20012001-03-01FrenchDigital audio - Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958
52AFNOR NF EN 60320-2-1-20012001-03-01FrenchAppliance couplers for household and similar general purposes - Part 2-1 : sewing machine couplers
53AFNOR NF EN 12560-1-20012001-03-01FrenchFlanges and their joints - Gaskets for Class-designated flanges - Part 1 : non-metallic flat gaskets with or without inserts
54AFNOR NF EN 61860-20012001-03-01FrenchDimensions of low-profile cores made of magnetic oxides
55AFNOR NF EN 60317-20+A1+A2-20012001-03-01FrenchSpecifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 20 : solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire class 155
56AFNOR NF EN 60255-22-3-20012001-03-01FrenchElectrical relays - Part 22-3 : electrical disturbance tests for measuring relays and protection equipment - Radiated electromagnetic field disturbance tests
57AFNOR NF EN ISO 12215-1-20012001-03-01FrenchSmall craft - Hull construction and scantlings - Part 1 : materials : thermosetting resins, glass-fibre reinforcement, reference laminate
58AFNOR NF EN ISO 12209-3-20012001-03-01FrenchGas cylinders - Outlet connections for gas cylinder valves for compressed breathable air - Part 3 : adaptor for 230 bar valves
59AFNOR NF EN ISO 12209-2-20012001-03-01FrenchGas cylinders - Outlet connections for gas cylinder valves for compressed breathable air - Part 2 : threaded connections
60AFNOR NF EN ISO 12209-1-20012001-03-01FrenchGas cylinders - Outlet connections for gas cylinder valves for compressed breathable air - Part 1 : Yoke type connections
61AFNOR NF EN 60216-4-2-20012001-03-01FrenchElectrical insulating materials - Thermal endurance properties - Part 4-2 : ageing ovens - Precision ovens for use up to 300 掳C
62AFNOR NF EN 61753-2-1-20012001-03-01FrenchFibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components performance standard - Part 2-1 : fibre optic connectors terminated on single-mode fibre for category U - Uncontrolled environment
63AFNOR NF EN ISO 11114-2-20012001-03-01FrenchTransportable gas cylinders - Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas contents - Part 2 : non-metallic materials
64AFNOR NF EN 1728-20012001-03-01FrenchDomestic furniture - Seating - Test methods - Determination of strength and durability
65AFNOR NF ISO 15178-20012001-03-01FrenchSoil quality - Determination of total sulfur by dry combustion
66AFNOR NF EN ISO 11064-2-20012001-03-01FrenchErgonomic design of control centres - Part 2 : principles for the arrangement of control suites
67AFNOR NF EN 1717-20012001-03-01FrenchProtection against pollution of potable water in water installations and general requirements of devices to prevent pollution by backflow
68AFNOR NF EN ISO 10715-20012001-03-01FrenchNatural gas - Sampling guidelines
69AFNOR NF EN 1074-5-20012001-03-01FrenchValves for water supply - Fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate verification tests - Part 5 : control valves
70AFNOR NF EN 613-20012001-03-01FrenchIndependant gas-fired convection heaters - Modified by NF EN 613/A1:200309 (D35-332/A1)
71AFNOR NF EN 12939-20012001-03-01FrenchThermal performance of building materials and products - Determination of thermal resistande by means of guarded hot plate and heat flow meter methods - Thick products of high and medium thermal resistance
72AFNOR NF EN ISO 2922-20012001-03-01FrenchAcoustics - Measurement of airbone sound emitted by vessels on inland waterways and harbours
73AFNOR NF EN 60317-19+A1+A2-20012001-02-01FrenchSpecifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 19 : solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire overcoated with polyamide, class 130
74AFNOR NF EN ISO 15702-20012001-02-01FrenchLeather - Test for colour fastness - Colour fastness to machine washing
75AFNOR NF EN ISO 8442-6-20012001-02-01FrenchMaterials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Cutlery and table holloware - Part 6 : lightly silver-plated table holloware protected by lacquer
76AFNOR NF ISO 15040-20012001-02-01FrenchComposites - Prepregs - Determination of gel time
77AFNOR NF EN 13291-1-20012001-02-01FrenchSpace product assurance - General requirements - Part 1 : policy and principles
78AFNOR NF EN 60317-49-20012001-02-01FrenchSp茅cifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 49 : glass-fibre wound resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled round copper wire temperature index 180
79AFNOR NF T90-007-20012001-02-01FrenchWater quality - Determination of soluble silicates - Molecular absorption spectrometric method
80AFNOR NF ISO 6344-2-20012001-02-01FrenchCoated abrasives - Grain size analysis - Part 2 : determination of grain size distribution of macrogrits P12 to P220
81AFNOR NF EN 61747-2-1-20012001-02-01FrenchLiquid crystal and solid-state display devices - Part 2-1 : passive matrix monochrome LCD modules - Blank detail specification
82AFNOR NF EN 60317-36+A1+A2-20012001-02-01FrenchSpecifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 36 : solderable polyesterimide enamelled round copper wire, class 180, with a bonding layer
83AFNOR NF ISO 9403-20012001-02-01FrenchCrude petroleum - Transfer accountability - Guidelines for cargo inspection
84AFNOR NF EN ISO 15701-20012001-02-01FrenchLeather - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to migration into plasticized poly(vinyl chloride)
85AFNOR NF EN 60249-2-1/A4-20012001-02-01FrenchBase materials for printed circuits - Part 2 : specifications - Specification n掳 1 : phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheet high electrical quality
86AFNOR NF EN 13292-20012001-02-01FrenchSpace engineering - Policy and principles
87AFNOR NF EN 26/A1-20012001-02-01FrenchGas-fired instantaneous water heaters for the production of domestic hot water, fitted with atmospheric burners
88AFNOR NF EN 60317-21+A1+A2-20012001-02-01FrenchSpecifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 21 : solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire overcoated with polyamide, class 155
89AFNOR NF A35-035-20012001-02-01FrenchSteel products - Hot-dip zinc or zinc-aluminium coated prestressing smooth wires and 7-wire strands
90AFNOR NF EN 12310-2-20012001-02-01FrenchFlexible sheets for waterproofing - Determination of resistance to tearing - Part 2 : plastic and rubber sheets for roof waterproofing
91AFNOR NF EN ISO 9396-20012001-02-01FrenchPlastics - Phenolic resins - Determination of the gel time of resols under specific conditions using automatic apparatus
92AFNOR NF EN ISO 10724-2-20012001-02-01FrenchPlastics - Injection moulding of test specimens of thermosetting powder moulding compounds (PMCs) - Part 2 : small plates
93AFNOR NF ISO 9084-20012001-02-01FrenchCalculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears - Application to high speed gears and gears of similar requirements
94AFNOR NF EN ISO 15700-20012001-02-01FrenchLeather - Test for colour fastness - Colour fastness to water spotting
95AFNOR NF EN 13829-20012001-02-01FrenchThermal performance of buildings - Determination of air permeability of buildings - Fan pressurization method
96AFNOR NF EN 28846/A1-20012001-02-01FrenchSmall craft - Electrical devices - Protection against ignition of surrounding flammable gases
97AFNOR NF EN 60249-2-3/A4-20012001-02-01FrenchBase materials for printed circuits - Part 2 : specifications - Specification n掳 3 : epoxyde cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheet of defined flammability (vertical burning test)
98AFNOR NF EN 29241-3/A1-20012001-02-01FrenchErgonomic requirements for office work with visual display terminals (VDTs) - Part 3 : visual display requirements
99AFNOR FD ISO/TR 12349-2-20012001-02-01FrenchRoad vehicles - Dummies for restraint system testing - Part 2 : child dummies
100AFNOR NF ISO 15407-1-20012001-02-01FrenchPneumatic fluid power - Five-port directional control valves, sizes 18 mm and 26 mm - Part 1 : mounting interface surfaces without electrical connector
101AFNOR NF T90-008-20012001-02-01FrenchWater quality - Determination of pH
102AFNOR NF ISO 15034-20012001-02-01FrenchComposites - Prepregs - Determination of resin flow
103AFNOR NF EN ISO 15703-20012001-02-01FrenchLeather - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to mild washing
104AFNOR NF EN 12835-20012001-02-01FrenchAirtight shutters - Air permeability test
105AFNOR NF EN ISO 8442-8-20012001-02-01FrenchMaterials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Cutlery and table holloware - Part 8 : requirements for silver table and decorative holloware
106AFNOR NF EN ISO 8442-7-20012001-02-01FrenchMaterials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Cutlery and table holloware - Part 7 : requirements for table cutlery made of silver, other precious metals and their alloys
107AFNOR NF EN ISO 2556-20012001-02-01FrenchPlastics - Determination of the gas transmission rate of films and thin sheets under atmospheric pressure - Manometric method
108AFNOR NF X50-004-20012001-02-01FrenchAfter-sales service - Independent repair engineers and service providers operating on behalf of the distribution networks
109AFNOR NF P06-013/A1-20012001-02-01FrenchEarthquake resistant construction rules - Earthquake resistant rules applicable to buildings, called PS 92
110AFNOR NF S52-002-20012001-02-01FrenchKarting - Hire karts - Safety requirements
111AFNOR NF P06-014/A1-20012001-02-01FrenchEarthquake resistant construction rules - Earthquake resistant construction of individual houses and of related buildings - 1992 revised PS-MI 89 rules - Field application - Design - Construction
112AFNOR NF EN 197-2-20012001-02-01FrenchCement - Part 2 : conformity evaluation
113AFNOR NF EN 50325-2-20012001-02-01FrenchIndustrial communications subsystem based on ISO 11898 (CAN) for controller-device interfaces - Part 2 : DeviceNet
114AFNOR NF EN 60317-4+A1+A2-20012001-02-01FrenchSp茅cifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 4 : solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire, class 130
115AFNOR FD ISO/TR 12349-1-20012001-02-01FrenchRoad vehicles - Dummies for restraint system testing - Part 1 : adult dummies
116AFNOR NF EN 61095/A1-20012001-02-01FrenchElectromechanical contactors for household and similar purposes
117AFNOR NF ETS 300650-20012001-02-01FrenchIntegrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) - Message Waiting Indication (MWI) supplementary service - Service description
118AFNOR NF EN 61094-1-20012001-02-01FrenchMeasurement microphones - Part 1 : specifications for laboratory standard microphones
119AFNOR NF EN 455-1-20012001-02-01FrenchMedical gloves for single use - Part 1 : requirements and testing for freedom from holes
120AFNOR NF EN ISO 787-3-20012001-02-01FrenchGeneral methods of test of pigments and extenders - Part 3 : determination of matter soluble in water - Hot extraction method
121AFNOR CWA 14113-3-20012001-02-01FrenchElectronic Commerce for the Sanitaryware and Heating Systems Industry - Part 3 : Rights and Rules
122AFNOR NF C96-002-20012001-02-01FrenchSemiconductor devices - Discrete devices and integrated circuits - Part 2 : rectifier diodes
123AFNOR NF EN ISO 13297-20012001-02-01FrenchSmall craft - Electrical systems - Alternating current installations
124AFNOR NF ISO 8697-20012001-02-01FrenchCrude petroleum and petroleum products - Transfert accountability - Assessment of on board quantity (OBQ) and quantity remaining on board (ROB)
125AFNOR NF EN 61334-4-511-20012001-02-01FrenchDistribution automation using line carrier systems - Part 4-511 : data communications protocols - Systems management - CIASE protocol
126AFNOR CWA 14113-4-20012001-02-01FrenchElectronic Commerce for the Sanitaryware and Heating Systems Industry - Part 4 : Industry Common Data Bank
127AFNOR NF EN ISO 787-8-20012001-02-01FrenchGeneral methods of test for pigments and extenders - Part 8 : determinatio of matter soluble in water - Cold extraction method
128AFNOR CWA 14113-1-20012001-02-01FrenchElectronic Commerce for the Sanitaryware and Heating Systems Industry - Part 1 : Product Terminology and Classification
129AFNOR CWA 14113-2-20012001-02-01FrenchElectronic Commerce for the Sanitaryware and Heating Systems Industry - Part 2 : Digital Formats
130AFNOR NF T90-101-20012001-02-01FrenchWater quality - Determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD)
131AFNOR NF EN 60312-20012001-02-01FrenchVaccum cleaners for household use - Methods of measuring the performance - Modified by NF EN 60312/A1:200203 (C73-161/A1),NF EN 60312/A2:200409 (C73-161/A2)
132AFNOR NF EN 197-1-20012001-02-01FrenchCement - Part 1 : composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements - Modified by NF EN 197-1/A1:200412 (P15-101-1/A1),NF EN 197-1/A3:200904 (P15-101-1/A3)
133AFNOR NF EN 1015-12-20012001-02-01FrenchMethods of test for mortar for masonry - Part 12 : determination of adhesive strength of hardened rendering and plastering mortars on substrates
134AFNOR NF EN 1015-17-20012001-02-01FrenchMethods of test for mortar for masonry - Part 17 : determination of water-soluble chloride content of fresh mortars - Modified by NF EN 1015-17/A1:200502 (P12-317/A1)
135AFNOR NF EN 12014-1/A1-20012001-02-01FrenchFoodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and/or nitrite content - Part 1 : general considerations
136AFNOR NF EN 60335-2-76-20012001-02-01FrenchSafety of household and similar electrical apppliances - Part 2-76 : particular requirements for electric fence energizers - Modified by NF EN 60335-2-76/A1:200203 (C73-876/A1)
137AFNOR NF EN 13290-1-20012001-02-01FrenchSpace project management - General requirements - Part 1 : policy and principles
138AFNOR NF EN 60534-8-3-20012001-02-01FrenchIndustrial-process control valves - Part 8-3 : noise considerations - Control valves aerodynamic noise prediction method
139AFNOR NF T90-011-20012001-02-01FrenchWater quality - Determination of dissolved carbon dioxide
140AFNOR UTE C17-106-20012001-02-01FrenchLightning strike counter
141AFNOR NF ISO 1087-1-20012001-02-01FrenchTerminology work - Vocabulary - Part 1 : theory and application
142AFNOR NF EN ISO 3690-20012001-02-01FrenchWelding and allied processes - Determination of hydrogen content in ferritic steel arc weld metal
143AFNOR NF ETS 300399-4-20012001-02-01FrenchFrame relay services - Part 4 : Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network (B-ISDN) - Frame relay bearer service - Service definition
144AFNOR NF ETS 300399-3-20012001-02-01FrenchFrame relay services - Part 3 : frame relay data transmission service - Service definition
145AFNOR NF EN ISO 772-20012001-02-01FrenchHydrometric determinations - Vocabulary and symbols - Modified by NF EN ISO 772/A1:200405 (X10-300/A1),NF EN ISO 772/A2:200511 (X10-300/A2)
146AFNOR NF EN ISO 180-20012001-02-01FrenchPlastics - Determination of Izod impact strength - Modified by NF EN ISO 180/A1:200703 (T51-911/A1)
147AFNOR NF ETS 300399-2-20012001-02-01FrenchFrame relay services - Part 2 : Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) - Frame relay bearer service - Service definition
148AFNOR NF EN 61334-6-20012001-02-01FrenchDistribution automation using distribution line carrier systems - Partie 6 : A-XDR encoding rule
149AFNOR NF EN ISO 662-20012001-02-01FrenchAnimal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of moisture and volatile matter content
150AFNOR NF EN 61340-2-3-20012001-02-01FrenchElectrostatics - Part 2-3 : methods of test for determining the resistance and reisistivity of solid planar materials used to avoid electrostatic charge accumulation
151AFNOR NF EN ISO 3452-3-20012001-02-01FrenchNon-destructive testing - Penetrant testing - Part 3 : reference test blocks
152AFNOR NF EN ISO 7787-2-20012001-02-01FrenchDental rotary instruments - Cutters - Part 2 : carbide laboratory cutters
153AFNOR NF ISO 15793-20012001-02-01FrenchDurum wheat semolinas - Determination of the undersize fraction
154AFNOR NF ISO 13332-20012001-02-01FrenchReciprocating internal combustion engines - Test code for the measurement of structure-borne noise emitted from high-speed and medium-speed reciprocating internal combustion engines measured at the engine feet
155AFNOR NF ISO 6614-20012001-02-01FrenchPetroleum products - Determination of water separability of petroleum oils and synthetic fluids
156AFNOR NF C48-265 F4-20012001-02-01FrenchFiche d'interpr茅tation n掳 2000-005 des normes NF C48-265 de mai 1988 et C48-465 de septembre 1993
157AFNOR NF EN 12857-20012001-02-01FrenchFoodstuffs - Determination of cyclamate - High performance liquid chromatographic method
158AFNOR NF P94-232-1-20012001-02-01FrenchSoil reinforcement - Backfilled structures reinforced with extensible and flexible reinforcing strips - Part 1 : pull out test of reinforcing strip by loading step
159AFNOR NF P94-422-20012001-01-01FrenchRock - Determination of the tensile strength - Indirect method - Brazil test
160AFNOR NF V08-100-20012001-01-01FrenchMicrobiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Plating out and enumeration of microorganisms by spiral plate technique
161AFNOR NF EN 60264-3-4-20012001-01-01FrenchPackaging of winding wires - Part 3-4 : taper barelled delivery spools - Dimensions of containers for taper barelled delivery spools
162AFNOR NF EN 50121-1-20012001-01-01FrenchRailway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 1 : general
163AFNOR NF EN 50121-2-20012001-01-01FrenchRailway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 2 : emission of the whole railway system to the outside world
164AFNOR NF EN 50121-3-1-20012001-01-01FrenchRailway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 3-1 : rolling stock - Train and complete vehicle
165AFNOR NF EN 50121-3-2-20012001-01-01FrenchRailway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 3-2 : rolling stock - Apparatus
166AFNOR NF EN 50121-4-20012001-01-01FrenchRailway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 4 : emission and immunity of the signaling and telecommunications apparatus
167AFNOR NF EN ISO 10519-20012001-01-01FrenchRapeseed - Determination of chlorophyll content - Spectrometric method
168AFNOR NF EN ISO 10555-5/A1-20012001-01-01FrenchSterile, single-use intravascular catheters - Part 5 : over-needle peripheral catheters
169AFNOR NF EN 50121-5-20012001-01-01FrenchRailway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 5 : emission and immunity of fixed power supply installations and apparatus
170AFNOR NF EN ISO 12567-1-20012001-01-01FrenchThermal performance of windows and doors - Determination of thermal transmittance by hot box method - Part 1 : complete windows and doors
171AFNOR NF EN 50183-20012001-01-01FrenchConductors for overhead lines - Aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloy wires
172AFNOR NF EN 50189-20012001-01-01FrenchConductors for overhead lines - Zinc coated steel wires
173AFNOR NF EN ISO 12937-20012001-01-01FrenchPetroleum products - Determination of water - Coulometric Karl Fischer titration method
174AFNOR NF EN ISO 13943-20012001-01-01FrenchFire safety - Vocabulary
175AFNOR NF EN 61854-20012001-01-01FrenchOverhead lines - Requirements and tests for spacers
176AFNOR NF EN 12823-2-20012001-01-01FrenchFoodstuffs - Determination of vitamin A by high performance liquid chromatography - Part 2 : measurement of beta-carotene
177AFNOR NF EN 12823-1-20012001-01-01FrenchFoodstuffs - Determination of vitamin A by high performance liquid chromatography - Part 1 : measurement of all-trans-retinol and 13-cis-retinol
178AFNOR NF EN 12822-20012001-01-01FrenchFoodstuffs - Determination of vitamin E by high performance liquid chromatography - Measurement of alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-tocopherols
179AFNOR NF EN 12605-20012001-01-01FrenchIndustrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Mechanical aspects - Test methods
180AFNOR NF EN 12604-20012001-01-01FrenchIndustrial, commercial and garage doors and gates - Mechanical aspects - Requirements
181AFNOR NF EN 12434-20012001-01-01FrenchCryogenic vessels - Cryogenic flexible hoses
182AFNOR CWA 14051-1-20012001-01-01FrenchInformation Technology - European generic locales - Part 1 : General specifications
183AFNOR NF ETS 300342-3-20012001-01-01FrenchElectroMagnetic Compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM) - ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) for European digital cellular telecommunications system (GSM 900 MHz and DCS 1 800 MHz) - Part 3 : base station radio and ancillary equipment and repeaters meeting Phase 2 GSM requirements
184AFNOR NF ISO 1085-20012001-01-01FrenchAssembly tools for screws and nuts - Double-ended wrenches - Size pairings
185AFNOR NF EN 1904-20012001-01-01FrenchPrecious metals - The finenesses of solders used with precious metal jewellery alloys
186AFNOR NF ISO 3930-20012001-01-01FrenchInstruments for measuring vehicle exhaust emissions
187AFNOR NF EN 60068-2-57-20012001-01-01FrenchEnvironmental testing - Part 2-57 : tests - Test Ff : vibration - Time-history method
188AFNOR NF EN 60255-25-20012001-01-01FrenchElectrical relays - Part 25 : electromagnetic emission tests for measuring relays and protection equipment
189AFNOR NF EN 60264-3-2-20012001-01-01FrenchPackaging of winding wires - Part 3-2 : taper barrelled delivery spools - Specification for returnable spools from thermoplastic materials
190AFNOR NF EN 60264-3-5-20012001-01-01FrenchPackaging of winding wires - Part 3 : taper barelled delivery spools - Specification for spool containers made form thermoplastic material
191AFNOR NF EN 60265-1-20012001-01-01FrenchHigh-voltages switches - Part 1 : switchers for rated voltages above 1 kV and less than 52 kV
192AFNOR NF EN 60442-20012001-01-01FrenchElectric toasters for household and similar purposes - Methods of measuring the performance - Modified by NF EN 60442/A1:200307 (C73-214/A1)
193AFNOR NF EN 60249-2-2/A5-20012001-01-01FrenchBase materials for printed circuits - Part 2 : specification - Specification n掳 2 : phenolic cellulose paper copper-clad laminated sheet, economic quality
194AFNOR NF EN ISO 11151-1-20012001-01-01FrenchLaser and laser-related equipment - Standard optical components - Part 1 : components for the UV, visible and near-infrared spectral ranges
195AFNOR NF EN 61904-20012001-01-01FrenchVideo recording - Helical-scan digital component video cassette recording format using 12,65 mm magnetic tape incorporating data compression (Format digital-L)
196AFNOR NF C32-070-20012001-01-01FrenchInsulated cables and flexible cords for installations - Classification tests on cables and cords with respect to their behaviour to fire - Modified by NF C32-070/A1:200511 (C32-070/A1),NF C32-070 F1:200711 (C32-070F1),NF C32-070 F2:200711 (C32-070F2),NF C32-070 F3:200904 (C32-070F3),NF C32-070 F4:201007 (C32-070F4)
197AFNOR NF EN 60317-52-20012001-01-01FrenchSpecifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 52 : aromatic polyamid (aramid) type wrapped round copper wire, temperature index 220
198AFNOR NF ISO 3064-20012001-01-01FrenchOil of petitgrain, Paraguay type (Citrus aurantium L. ssp. aurantium, syn. Citrus aurantium L. ssp. amara var. pumilia)
199AFNOR NF ISO 3031-20012001-01-01FrenchRolling bearings - Thrust needle roller and cage assemblies, thrust washers - Boundary dimensions and tolerances
200AFNOR NF EN 61395-20012001-01-01FrenchOverhead electrical conductors - Creep test procedures for standard conductors
201AFNOR NF EN 61169-32-20012001-01-01FrenchRadio-frequency connectors - Part 31 : RF coaxial connectors with inner diameter of outer conductor 1,85 mm (0,072 in) with screw coupling - Characteristic impedance 50 ohms (type 1,85)
202AFNOR NF E60-181-20012001-01-01FrenchManufacturing systems - Acceptance conditions - Piece manufacture suitability evaluation method
203AFNOR NF EN 61169-31-20012001-01-01FrenchRadio-frequency connectors - Part 31 : RF coaxial connectors with inner diameter of outer conductor 1,0 mm (0,039 in) with screw coupling - Characteristic impedance 50 ohms (type 1,0)
204AFNOR NF EN 50133-2-1-20012001-01-01FrenchAlarm systems - Acces control systems for use in security applications - Part 2-1 : general requirements for components
205AFNOR NF EN 60317-53-20012001-01-01FrenchSpecifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 53 : aromatic polyamid (aramid) type wrapped rectangular copper wire, temperature index 220
206AFNOR NF EN 583-5-20012001-01-01FrenchNon-destructive testing - Ultrasonic examination - Part 5 : characterization and sizing of discontinuities - Modified by NF EN 583-5/A1:200407 (A09-340-5/A1)
207AFNOR NF ISO 3527-20012001-01-01FrenchOil of parsley fruits (Petroselinum sativum Hoffm.)
208AFNOR NF EN 61167/A3-20012001-01-01FrenchMetal halide lamps
209AFNOR NF EN 61897-20012001-01-01FrenchOverhead lines - Requirements and tests for Stockbridge type aeolian vibration dampers
210AFNOR NF EN ISO 4759-1-20012001-01-01FrenchTolerances for fasteners - Bolts, screws, studs and nuts - Part 1 : product grades A, B and C
211AFNOR NF EN 1643-20012001-01-01FrenchValve proving systems for automatic shut-off valves for gas burners and gas appliances
212AFNOR NF EN 35-20012001-01-01FrenchPedestal bidets with over-rim supply - Connecting dimensions
213AFNOR NF ISO 6344-3-20012001-01-01FrenchCoated abrasives - Grain size analysis - Part 3 : determination of grain size distribution of microgrits P240 to P2500
214AFNOR NF EN 60317-50-20012001-01-01FrenchSp茅cifications for particular types of windings wires - Part 50 : glass-fibre wound resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled round copper wire, temperature index 200
215AFNOR NF ISO 6344-1-20012001-01-01FrenchCoated abrasives - Grain size analysis - Part1 : grain size distribution test
216AFNOR NF EN 60317-48-20012001-01-01FrenchSp茅cifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 48 : glass-fibre wound resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled round copper wire temperature index 155
217AFNOR NF EN 60317-45-20012001-01-01FrenchSpecifications for particulate types of winding wires - Part 45 : polyester enamelled round copper wire, class 130
218AFNOR NF EN 60317-37+A1+A2-20012001-01-01FrenchSp茅cifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 4 : polyesterimide enamelled round copper wire, class 180, with a bending layer
219AFNOR NF E11-056-20012001-01-01FrenchGeometrical product specification (GPS) - Digital display dial gauge with plunger - Specifications - Test methods
220AFNOR CWA 14051-2-20012001-01-01FrenchInformation Technology - European generic locales - Part 2 : Narrative cultural specifications, POSIX locales, and repertoiremap
221AFNOR CWA 14088-1-20012001-01-01FrenchEuropean Electronic Commerce for Hospital Procurement (ECHOP) - Part 1 : Common operations carried out by HPDs (Hospital Procurement Department) in Europe
222AFNOR CWA 14088-2-20012001-01-01FrenchEuropean Electronic Commerce for Hospital Procurement (ECHOP) - Part 2 : List of standardized functional and technical specifications V.0.1
223AFNOR CWA 14088-3-20012001-01-01FrenchEuropean Electronic Commerce for Hospital Procurement (ECHOP) - Part 3 : Protocols of security and the interoperable authentication at the level of the sector V.0.1
224AFNOR CWA 14088-4-20012001-01-01FrenchEuropean Electronic Commerce for Hospital Procurement (ECHOP) - Part 4 : Future operations that should need to be standardized (due to the appearance of a standardized denomination of products)
225AFNOR CWA 14088-5-20012001-01-01FrenchEuropean Electronic Commerce for Hospital Procurement (ECHOP) - Part 5 : Technology that still needs to be standardized
226AFNOR CWA 14088-6-20012001-01-01FrenchEuropean Electronic Commerce for Hospital Procurement (ECHOP) - Part 6 : Legal issues to facilitate the standardization of electronic commerce
227AFNOR CWA 14094-20012001-01-01FrenchEuropean Culturally Specific ICT Requirements
228AFNOR NF C91-016-1-20012001-01-01FrenchSpecification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 1 : radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus
229AFNOR NF C91-016-2-20012001-01-01FrenchSpecification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods - Part 2 : methods of measurement of disturbances and immunity
230AFNOR NF EN 60917-1/A1-20012001-01-01FrenchModular order for the development of mechanical structures for electronic equipment practices - Part 1 : generic standard
231AFNOR NF E02-353-20012001-01-01FrenchGeometrical products specification (GPS) - Chased parts - Dimensional and surface eveness tolerances for dimensions and parts without individual tolerances
232AFNOR NF EN 772-1-20012001-01-01FrenchMethods of test for masonry units - Part 1 : determination of compressive strength
233AFNOR NF EN 772-13-20012001-01-01FrenchMethods of test for masonry units - Part 13 : determination of net and gross dry density of masonry units (except for natural stone)
234AFNOR NF EN 772-16-20012001-01-01FrenchMethods of test for masonry units - Part 16 : determination of dimensions - Modified by NF EN 772-16/A1:200502 (P12-116/A1),NF EN 772-16/A2:200511 (P12-116/A2)
235AFNOR NF EN 1546-2-20012001-01-01FrenchIdentification card systems - Inter-sector electronic purse - Part 2 : security architecture
236AFNOR NF EN 1787-20012001-01-01FrenchFoodstuffs - Detection of irradiated food containing cellulose by ESR spectroscopy
237AFNOR NF EN ISO 11151-2-20012001-01-01FrenchLasers and laser-related equipment - Standard optical components - Part 2 : components for the infrared spectral range
238AFNOR NF ISO 14242-2-20012001-01-01FrenchImplants for surgery - Wear of total hip-joint prostheses - Part 2 : methods of measurement
239AFNOR NF EN ISO 8765-20012001-01-01FrenchHexagon head bolts with metric fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B
240AFNOR NF EN ISO 8676-20012001-01-01FrenchHexagon head screws with metric fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B
241AFNOR NF EN ISO 8675-20012001-01-01FrenchHexagon thin nuts (chamfered) with metric fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B
242AFNOR NF EN ISO 8674-20012001-01-01FrenchHexagon nuts, style 2, with metric fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B
243AFNOR NF EN ISO 8673-20012001-01-01FrenchHexagon nuts, style 1, with metric fine pitch thread - Product grades A and B
244AFNOR NF EN ISO 8502-9-20012001-01-01FrenchPreparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness - Part 9 : field method for the conductometric determination of water-soluble salts
245AFNOR NF EN ISO 4036-20012001-01-01FrenchHexagon thin nuts (unchamfered) - Product grade B
246AFNOR NF EN ISO 4035-20012001-01-01FrenchHexagon thin nuts (chamfered) - Product grades A and B
247AFNOR NF EN ISO 4034-20012001-01-01FrenchHexagon nuts - Product grade C
248AFNOR NF EN ISO 4033-20012001-01-01FrenchHexagon nuts, style 2 - Product grades A and B
249AFNOR NF EN 60630 + A3-20012001-01-01FrenchMaximum lamp outlines for incandescent lamps - Modified by NF EN 60630/A4:200309 (C72-106/A4),NF EN 60630/A5:200508 (C72-106/A5),NF EN 60630/A6:201003 (C72-106/A6)
250AFNOR NF EN ISO 4032-20012001-01-01FrenchHexagon nuts, style 1 - Product grades A and B
251AFNOR NF EN ISO 4018-20012001-01-01FrenchHexagon head screws - Product grade C
252AFNOR NF EN ISO 4017-20012001-01-01FrenchHexagon head bolts - Product grades A and B
253AFNOR NF EN ISO 4016-20012001-01-01FrenchHexagon head bolts - Product grade C
254AFNOR NF EN ISO 4014-20012001-01-01FrenchHexagon head bolts - Product grades A and B
255AFNOR NF ISO 2236-20012001-01-01FrenchAssembly tools for screws and nuts - Forged and tubular socket wrenches - Maximum outside head dimensions
256AFNOR NF EN 60317-2+A1+A2-20012001-01-01FrenchSp茅cifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 2 : solderable polyurethane enamelled round copper wire, class 130, with a bonding layer
257AFNOR NF EN 62007-1-20012001-01-01FrenchSemiconductor optoelectronic devices for fibre optic system applications - Part 1 : essential ratings and characteristics
258AFNOR NF EN 62007-2-20012001-01-01FrenchSemiconductor optoelectronic devices for fibre optic system applications - Part 1 : measuring methods
259AFNOR NF EN 50090-8-20012001-01-01FrenchHome and building electronic systems (HBES) - Part 8 : conformity assessment of products
260AFNOR NF EN 50083-7/A1-20012001-01-01FrenchCable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services - Part 7 : systems performance
261AFNOR NF P39-201-1/A1-20012001-01-01FrenchDTU 40.14 - Building works - Roof covering made of asphalt shingles - Part 1 : technical specifications
262AFNOR NF T60-106-20012001-01-01FrenchLiquid petroleum products - Determination of additive elements, wear metals and contaminants in unused and used lubricating oils - Method by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP/AES)
263AFNOR NF V04-600-20012001-01-01FrenchFresh milk products - Specification of fermented milks and yogurt
264AFNOR NF C61-602 F3-20002000-12-13FrenchFiche d'interpr茅tation n掳 2000-115 de la norme NF C61-602 de juin 1969
265AFNOR NF C61-601 F5-20002000-12-13FrenchFiche d'interpr茅tation n掳 2000-113 de la norme NF C 61-601 de juin 1969
266AFNOR NF C61-601 F4-20002000-12-13FrenchFiche d'interpr茅tation n掳 2000-112 de la norme NF C 61-601 de juin 1969
267AFNOR NF C61-303 F10-20002000-12-13FrenchFiche d'interpr茅tation n掳 2000-112 des normes NF C61-303 et NF C61-320 de mars 1981 et de la norme NF EN 61242 (C61-720) de septembre 1997
268AFNOR NF C61-601 F3-20002000-12-13FrenchFiche d'interpr茅tation n掳 2000-114 des normes NF C 61-601 et NF C 61-602 de juin 1969
269AFNOR NF EN 12154-20002000-12-01FrenchCurtain walling - Watertightness - Performance requirements and classification
270AFNOR XP E11-098-20002000-12-01FrenchGeometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Internal micrometer with two spindles - Specification - Test methods
271AFNOR NF ETS 300451-20002000-12-01FrenchBusiness TeleCommunications (BTC) - Ordinary quality voice banwidth 4-wire analogue leased line (A4O) - Connection characteristics and network interface presentation
272AFNOR NF ETS 300450-20002000-12-01FrenchBusiness TeleCommunications (BTC) - Ordinary and Special quality voice bandwidth 2-wire analogue leased line (A2O and A2S) - Terminal equipment interface
273AFNOR NF EN 61966-4-20002000-12-01FrenchMultimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 4 : equipment using liquid crystal display panels
274AFNOR NF EN ISO 5267-1-20002000-12-01FrenchPulps - Determination of drainability - Part 1 : Schopper-Riegler method
275AFNOR NF ETS 300449-20002000-12-01FrenchBusiness TeleCommunications (BTC) - Special quality voice bandwidth 2-wire analogue leased line (A2S) - Connection characteristics and network interface presentation
276AFNOR NF ISO 7970-20002000-12-01FrenchWheat (Titricum aestivum L.) - Specification
277AFNOR NF ISO 4268-20002000-12-01FrenchPetroleum and liquid petroleum products - Temperature measurements - Manual methods
278AFNOR NF EN 13423-20002000-12-01FrenchCompressed natural gas vehicle operations
279AFNOR NF EN ISO 4892-1-20002000-12-01FrenchPlastics - Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - Part 1 : general guidance
280AFNOR XP E11-053-20002000-12-01FrenchGeometricel Product Specifications (GPS) - Dial test indicators (lever type) - Specification - Test methods
281AFNOR NF EN ISO 3252-20002000-12-01FrenchPowder metallurgy - Vocabulary
282AFNOR NF ETS 300452-20002000-12-01FrenchBusiness TeleCommunications (BTC) - Special quality voice bandwidth 4-wire analogue leased line (A4S) - Connection characteristics and network interface presentation
283AFNOR NF EN 12150-1-20002000-12-01FrenchGlass in building - Thermally toughened soda lime silicate safety glass - Part 1 : definition and description
284AFNOR NF E17-010-2-20002000-12-01FrenchMetrological means - Units for measuring liquids other than water - Part 2 : test methods, conditions and procedures
285AFNOR NF EN 61966-2-1-20002000-12-01FrenchMultimedia systems and equipment - Colour measurement and management - Part 2-1 : colour management - Default RGB colour space - sRGB - Modified by NF EN 61966-2-1/A1:200503 (C90-602-1/A1)
286AFNOR NF E17-010-1-20002000-12-01FrenchMetrological means - Units for measuring liquids other than water - Part 1 : metrological and technical requirements
287AFNOR NF ISO 6953-2-20002000-12-01FrenchPneumatic fluid power - Compressed air regulators and filter-regulators - Part 2 : test methods to determine the main characteristics to be included in literature from suppliers
288AFNOR NF EN ISO 10077-1-20002000-12-01FrenchThermal performance of windows, doors and shutters - Calculation of thermal transmittance - Part 1 : simplified method
289AFNOR NF ISO 6953-1-20002000-12-01FrenchPneumatic fluid power - Compressed air regulators and filters-regulators - Part 1 : main characteristics to be included in literature from suppliers and product-marking requirements
290AFNOR NF ETS 300623-20002000-12-01FrenchDigital cellular telecommunications systems (Phase 2) - Network Management (NM) procedures and messages on the A-bis interface (GSM 12.21, version 4.5.4)
291AFNOR NF EN 1337-1-20002000-12-01FrenchStructural bearings - Part 1 : general design rules
292AFNOR NF ISO 1132-1-20002000-12-01FrenchRolling bearings - Tolerances - Part 1 : terms and definitions
293AFNOR NF ETS 300617-20002000-12-01FrenchDigital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2) - GSM Network configuration management (GSM 12.06, version 4.1.1)
294AFNOR NF ETS 300616-20002000-12-01FrenchDigital cellular telecommunications systems (Phase 2) - Event and call data (GSM 12.05, version 4.3.1)
295AFNOR NF ETS 300675-20002000-12-01FrenchIntegrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) - Audiographic conference teleservice - Service description
296AFNOR NF ISO 1272-20002000-12-01FrenchEssentials oils - Determination of content of phenols
297AFNOR NF ISO 1413-20002000-12-01FrenchHorology - Schock-resistant watches
298AFNOR NF EN ISO 7491-20002000-12-01FrenchDental materials - Determination of colour stability
299AFNOR FD X50-179-20002000-12-01FrenchQuality management - Guideliness for the identification of customer requirements
300AFNOR NF S91-163-20002000-12-01FrenchBiofonctionnality of dental implants - In vitro tests
301AFNOR NF EN 1011-3-20002000-12-01FrenchWelding - Recommendations for welding of metallic materials - Part 3 : arc welding of stainless steels - Modified by NF EN 1011-3/A1:200407 (A89-101-3/A1)
302AFNOR NF EN ISO 4753-20002000-12-01FrenchFasteners - Ends of parts with external ISO metric screw thread
303AFNOR NF EN 795/A1-20002000-12-01FrenchProtection against falls from a height - Anchor devices - Requirements and testing
304AFNOR FD ISO/TR 13593-20002000-12-01FrenchEnclosed gear drives for industrial applications
305AFNOR NF EN ISO 7153-1-20002000-12-01FrenchSurgical instruments - Metallic materials - Part 1 : stainless steel
306AFNOR NF EN 12573-1-20002000-12-01FrenchWelded static non-pressurised thermoplastic tanks - Part 1 : general principles
307AFNOR FD X31-615-20002000-12-01FrenchSoil quality - Pollution detection and characterisation methods - Samplings and sampling of ground water from a bovehole
308AFNOR XP S54-041-20002000-12-01FrenchBooster seats - Safety requirements and test methods
309AFNOR NF EN ISO 591-1-20002000-12-01FrenchTitanium dioxyde pigments for paints - Part 1 : specifications and methods of test
310AFNOR XP P92-701/A1-20002000-12-01FrenchCalculation method - Calculation method used for forecasting the fire resistance of concrete structures
311AFNOR NF EN 61346-2-20002000-12-01FrenchIndustrial systems, installations and equipement, and industrial products - Structuring principles and reference designations - Part 2 : classification of objects and codes for classes
312AFNOR NF EN 12354-4-20002000-12-01FrenchBuilding acoustics - Estimation of acoustic performance of buildings from the performance of elements - Part 4 : transmission of indoor sound to the outside
313AFNOR XP E04-562-20002000-12-01FrenchGeometrical product specification (GPS) - Complex, prismatic and revolute surfaces - Specification on drawings
314AFNOR NF P15-108-20002000-12-01FrenchHydraulic binders - Hydraulic road binders - Composition, specifications and conformity criteria
315AFNOR NF P15-307-20002000-12-01FrenchHydraulic binders - Masonry cements - Composition, specifications and conformity criteria
316AFNOR NF EN 13346-20002000-12-01FrenchCharacterization of sludges - Determination of trace elements and phosphorus - Aqua regia extraction methods
317AFNOR NF EN 41003/AC-20002000-12-01FrenchCorrigendum 脿 la norme NF EN 41003 de juillet 1999 (Indice de classement C98-011)
318AFNOR NF EN 13342-20002000-12-01FrenchCharacterization of sludges - Determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen
319AFNOR FD ISO/CEI GUIDE 66-20002000-12-01FrenchGeneral requirements for bodies operating assessment and certification/registration of environmental management systems (EMS)
320AFNOR NF ISO 7876-1-20002000-12-01FrenchFuel injection equipment - Vocabulary - Part 1 : fuel injection pumps - Modified by NF ISO 7876-1/A1:200104 (R16-329/A1)
321AFNOR FD X07-019-20002000-12-01FrenchMetrology - Customer/supplier relations in metrology
322AFNOR NF ISO 3214-20002000-12-01FrenchOil of Litsea cubeba (Litsea cubeba Pers.)
323AFNOR NF X50-144-1-20002000-12-01FrenchTests - Test design and realization - Test in environment - Part 1 : bases of the process
324AFNOR NF P15-108-20002000-12-01FrenchHydraulic binders - Hydraulic road binders - Composition, specifications and conformity criteria
325AFNOR NF EN 1213-20002000-12-01FrenchBuilding valves - Copper alloy stopvalves for potable water supply in buildings - Tests and requirements
326AFNOR NF C71-801-20002000-12-01FrenchPerformance of self contained luminaires for emergency escape route lighting in open areas covered by regulation in ERP and ERT
327AFNOR NF EN 846-2-20002000-12-01FrenchMethods of test for ancillary components for masonry - Part 2 : determination of bond strength of prefabricated bed joint reinforcement in mortar joints
328AFNOR NF C71-800-20002000-12-01FrenchPerformance of self contained luminaires for emergency escape route lighting covered by regulation in ERP and ERT
329AFNOR NF ISO 8178-9-20002000-12-01FrenchReciprocating internal combustion engines - Exhaust emission measurement - Part 9 : test cycles and test procedures for test bed measurement of exhaust gas smoke emissions from compression ignition engines operating under transient conditions - Modified by NF ISO 8178-9/A1:200512 (E37-211-9/A1)
330AFNOR NF ISO 15082-20002000-12-01FrenchRoad vehicles - Tests for rigid plastic safety glazing materials
331AFNOR XP V04-418-20002000-12-01FrenchMeat and meat products - Detection of colouring agents - Method using thin-layer chromatography
332AFNOR NF EN 12763-20002000-12-01FrenchFibre-cement pipes and fiftings for discharge systems for buildings - Dimensions and technical terms of delivery
333AFNOR XP S99-020-20002000-12-01FrenchInfections risk analysis in healthcare - Use of A2C method "Analysis of contamination causes"
334AFNOR NF EN 12316-2-20002000-12-01FrenchFlexible sheets for waterproofing - Determination of peel resistance of joints - Part 2 : plastic and rubber sheets for roof waterproofing
335AFNOR XP P98-542-2-20002000-12-01FrenchOverhead road traffic signs - Roadsign decor catalogue - Part 2 : typological characteristics of new traffic signs
336AFNOR NF EN 1414/A1-20002000-12-01FrenchTouch and close fasteners - Cycling procedure for subsequent testing
337AFNOR NF EN 1567-20002000-12-01FrenchBuilding valves - Water pressure reducing valves and combination water pressure reducing valves - Requirements and tests
338AFNOR NF ISO 16016-20002000-12-01FrenchTechnical product documentation - Protection notices for restricting the use of documents and products
339AFNOR XP P98-093-20002000-12-01FrenchTests relative to roadway expansion joints of road bridges - Determination of the ability of bridge roadway expansion joints to withstand the dynamic loading of traffic - Fatigue bench test method
340AFNOR NF EN 681-4-20002000-12-01FrenchElastomeric seals - Materials requirements for pipe joint seals used in water and drainage applications - Part 4 : cast polyurethane sealing elements - Modified by NF EN 681-4/A1:200302 (T47-305-4/A1),NF EN 681-4/A2:200512 (T47-305-4/A2)
341AFNOR NF EN ISO 9377-2-20002000-12-01FrenchWater quality - Determination of hydrocarbon oil index - Part 2 : method using solvent extraction and gas chromatography
342AFNOR NF EN 1011-4-20002000-12-01FrenchWelding - Recommendations for welding of metallic materials - Part 4 : arc welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Modified by NF EN 1011-4/A1:200407 (A89-101-4/A1)
343AFNOR NF EN ISO 9693-20002000-12-01FrenchMetal-ceramic dental restorative systems
344AFNOR NF EN 12513-20002000-12-01FrenchFounding - Abrasion resistant cast irons
345AFNOR NF EN 846-11-20002000-12-01FrenchMethods of test for ancillary components for masonry - Part 11 : determination of dimensions and bow of lintels
346AFNOR NF EN 12074-20002000-12-01FrenchWelding consumables - Quality requirements for manufacture, supply and distribution of consumables for welding and allied processes
347AFNOR NF EN 846-10-20002000-12-01FrenchMethods of test for ancillary components for masonry - Part 10 : determination of load capacity and load deflection characteristics of brackets
348AFNOR NF EN 681-3-20002000-12-01FrenchElastomeric seals - Materials requirements for pipe joint seals used in water and drainage applications - Part 3 : cellular material of vulcanized rubber - Modified by NF EN 681-3/A1:200302 (T47-305-3/A1),NF EN 681-3/A2:200512 (T47-305-3/A2)
349AFNOR NF EN 846-9-20002000-12-01FrenchMethods of test for ancillary components for masonry - Part 9 : determination of flexural resistance and shear resistance of lintels
350AFNOR NF ISO 14137-20002000-12-01FrenchMachine tools - Test conditions for wire electrical discharge machines (wire EDM) - Terminology and testing of the accuracy
351AFNOR NF EN 681-2-20002000-12-01FrenchElastomeric seals - Materials requirements for pipe joint seals used in water and drainage applications - Part 2 : thermoplastic elastomers - Modified by NF EN 681-2/A1:200302 (T47-305-2/A1),NF EN 681-2/A2:200512 (T47-305-2/A2)
352AFNOR NF EN 846-8-20002000-12-01FrenchMethods of test for ancillary components for masonry - Part 8 : determination of load capacity and load-deflection characteristics of joist hangers - Modified by NF EN 846-8/A1:200609 (P12-608/A1)
353AFNOR NF EN 846-7-20002000-12-01FrenchMethods of test for ancillary components for masonry - Part 7 : determination of shear load capacity and load displacement characteristics of shear ties and slip ties (couplet test for mortar joint connections)
354AFNOR NF EN 846-6-20002000-12-01FrenchMethods of test for ancillary components for masonry - Part 6 : determination of tensile and compressive load capacity and load displacement characteristics of wall ties (single end test)
355AFNOR XP ENV 13800-20002000-12-01FrenchLead and lead alloys - Analysis by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) or inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (ICP-ES), without separation of the lead matrix
356AFNOR NF EN 846-5-20002000-12-01FrenchMethods of test for ancillary components for masonry - Part 5 : determination of tensile and compressive load capacity and load displacement characteristics of wall ties (couple test)
357AFNOR NF EN 846-3-20002000-12-01FrenchMethods of test for ancillary components for masonry - Part 3 : determination of shear load capacity of welds in prefabricated bed joint reinforcement
358AFNOR NF EN 13087-8-20002000-12-01FrenchProtective helmets - Test methods - Part 8 : electrical properties - Modified by NF EN 13087-8/A1:200507 (S72-509-8/A1)
359AFNOR DTU 40.25-20002000-12-01FrenchDTU 40.25 - Modificatif 2 au cahier des clauses techniques (P31-206)
360AFNOR NF EN 13087-7-20002000-12-01FrenchProtective helmets - Test methods - Part 7 : flame resistance - Modified by NF EN 13087-7/A1:200201 (S72-509-7/A1),NF EN 13087-7/A1:200202 (S72-509-7/A1)
361AFNOR NF EN ISO 9873-20002000-12-01FrenchDental hand instrument - Reusable mirrors and handles
362AFNOR NF EN ISO 6945/A1-20002000-12-01FrenchRubber hoses - Determination of abrasion resistance of the outer cover
363AFNOR NF C48-211 F8-20002000-12-01FrenchFiche d'interpr茅tation n掳 2000-003 de la norme NF C48-211 de f茅vrier 1989
364AFNOR NF EN ISO 10882-2-20002000-12-01FrenchHealth and safety in welding and allied processes - Sampling of airborne particles and gases in the operator's breathing zone - Part 2 : sampling of gases
365AFNOR UTE C68-312-20002000-12-01FrenchFittings for insulated wirings - Metallic non metric cable glands for electrical installations - Particular requirements
366AFNOR DTU 40.241/A2-20002000-12-01FrenchModificatif 2 au DTU P31-205 de juin 1990
367AFNOR NF ISO 11090-2-20002000-12-01FrenchMachines tools - Test conditions for die sinking electro-discharge machines (EDM) -Terminology and testing of the accuracy - Part 2 : two column machines (slide-head type and cross-slide table type)
368AFNOR NF EN 13087-4-20002000-12-01FrenchProtective helmets - Test methods - Part 4 : retention system effectiveness
369AFNOR UTE C68-311-20002000-12-01FrenchFittings for insulated wirings - Plastic non metric cable glands for electrical installations - Particular requirements
370AFNOR NF ISO 11090-1-20002000-12-01FrenchMachines tools - Test conditions for die sinking electro-discharge machines (EDM) - Terminology and testing of accuracy - Part 1 : single column machines (cross slide table type and fixed table type)
371AFNOR UTE C68-300-20002000-12-01FrenchFittings for insulated wirings - Non metric cable glands for electrical installations - Basic requirements
372AFNOR NF EN 13299-20002000-12-01FrenchFertilizers - Determination of flow rate
373AFNOR NF EN 13087-10-20002000-12-01FrenchProtective helmets - Test methods - Part 10 : resistance to radiant heat
374AFNOR FD CR 13642-20002000-12-01FrenchFlanges and their joints - Design rules for gasketed circular flange connections - Background information
375AFNOR NF EN 13098-20002000-12-01FrenchWorkplace atmosphere - Guidelines for measurement of airborne micro-organisms and endotoxin
376AFNOR NF ISO 6646-20002000-12-01FrenchRice - Determination of the potential milling yield from paddy and from husked rice
377AFNOR FD CR 13934-20002000-12-01FrenchInterpretation document of EN 3 Portable Fire Extinguishers
378AFNOR NF EN 13087-5-20002000-12-01FrenchProtective helmets - Test methods - Part 5 : retention system strength
379AFNOR NF EN ISO 182-4-20002000-12-01FrenchPlastics - Determination of the tendency of compounds and products based on vinyl chloride homopolymers and copolymers to evolve hydrogen chloride and any other acidic products at elevated temperatures - Part 4 : potentiometric method
380AFNOR NF EN ISO 182-3-20002000-12-01FrenchPlastics - Determination of the tendency of compounds and products based on vinyl chloride homopolymers and copolymers to evolve hydrogen chloride and any other acidic products at elevated temperatures - Part 3 : conductometric method
381AFNOR NF C71-805-20002000-12-01FrenchPerformance of self contained luminaires for emergency escape lighting covered by regulation in multi-storey dwellings
382AFNOR NF EN 144-1-20002000-12-01FrenchRespiratory protective devices - Gas cylinder valves - Part 1 : thread connections for insert connector - Modified by NF EN 144-1/A1:200310 (S76-024-1/A1),NF EN 144-1/A2:200510 (S76-024-1/A2)
383AFNOR NF P03-001-20002000-12-01FrenchPrivate contracts - Typical specifications - Contract procedure for building works, private contracts - Modified by NF P03-001/A1:200911 (P03-001/A1)
384AFNOR XP C48-455 F1-20002000-12-01FrenchFiche d'interpr茅tation n掳 2000-006 脿 la norme XP C48-455 de juin 2001
385AFNOR NF EN 1490-20002000-12-01FrenchBuilding valves - Combined temperature and pressure relief valves - Tests and requirements
386AFNOR NF S31-119-2-20002000-12-01FrenchAcoustics - In situ characterization of the acoustic qualities of road surfaces - Pass by acoustic measurement - Part 2 : controlled pass-by method
387AFNOR NF EN 1488-20002000-12-01FrenchBuilding valves - Expansion groups - Tests and requirements
388AFNOR NF P94-420-20002000-12-01FrenchRock - Determination of the uniaxial compressive strength
389AFNOR NF EN 1489-20002000-12-01FrenchBuilding valves - Pressure safety valves - Tests and requirements
390AFNOR NF EN 1503-2-20002000-12-01FrenchValves - Materials for bodies, bonnets and covers - Part 2 : steels other than those specified in European Standards
391AFNOR NF EN 1487-20002000-12-01FrenchBuilding valves - Hydraulic safety groups - Tests and requirements
392AFNOR UTE C61-390-20002000-12-01FrenchConnecting devices for luminaires for household and similar use
393AFNOR NF EN ISO 3451-4-20002000-12-01FrenchPlastics - Determination of ash - Part 4 : polyamides
394AFNOR XP C48-457 F1-20002000-12-01FrenchFiche d'interpr茅tation n掳 2000-008 脿 la norme XP C48-457 de juin 2001
395AFNOR NF L22-455-20002000-12-01FrenchAircraft bolts and nuts - Nuts, hexagonal, slotted/castellated, reduced height, ISO M or ISO MJ threads, 4H tolerance class
396AFNOR NF L22-432-20002000-12-01FrenchAircraft bolts and nuts - Nuts, hexagonal, plain, normal height, normal across flats, left-hand ISO M or ISO MJ threads, II, 4H5H or 5H tolerance class according to diameter
397AFNOR CWA 14087-20002000-12-01FrenchEuropean Call Centre Standards for Training and Qualification - Customer Contact Representative Competences
398AFNOR XP C48-456 F1-20002000-12-01FrenchFiche d'interpr茅tation n掳 2000-007 脿 la norme XP C48-456 de juin 2001
399AFNOR NF EN 12970-20002000-12-01FrenchMastic asphalt for waterproofing - Definitions, requirements and test methods
400AFNOR NF EN 13011-20002000-12-01FrenchTransportation services - Good transport chains - System for declaration of performance conditions
401AFNOR NF ISO 3537-20002000-12-01FrenchRoad vehicles - Safety glazing materials - Mechanical tests
402AFNOR NF L22-441-20002000-12-01FrenchAircraft bolts and nuts - Nuts, hexagonal, plain, reduced height, reduced across flats, ISO M or ISO MJ threads, 4H5H or 5H tolerance class according to diameter
403AFNOR NF L22-433-20002000-12-01FrenchAircraft bolts and nuts - Nuts, hexagonal, plain, normal height, normal across flats, ISO M or ISO MJ threads, 4H tolerance class
404AFNOR NF L22-457-20002000-12-01FrenchAircraft bolts and nuts - Nuts, hexagonal, slotted/castellated, normal height, ISO M or ISO MJ threads, 4H tolerance class
405AFNOR NF EN 746-5-20002000-12-01FrenchIndustrial thermoprocessing equipment - Part 5 : particular safety requirements for salt bath thermoprocessing equipment
406AFNOR NF EN 746-8-20002000-12-01FrenchIndustrial thermoprocessing equipment - Part 8 : particular safety requirements for quenching equipment
407AFNOR NF EN ISO 105-Z11-20002000-12-01FrenchTextiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part Z11 : evaluation of speckiness of colorant dispersions
408AFNOR NF L22-458-20002000-12-01FrenchAircraft bolts and nuts - Nuts, hexagonal, slotted/castellated, normal height, left-hand ISO M or ISO MJ threads, 4H tolerance class
409AFNOR NF EN ISO 105-Z06-20002000-12-01FrenchTextiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part Z06 : evaluation of dye and pigment migration
410AFNOR NF EN 60360-20002000-12-01FrenchStandard method of measurement of lamp cap temperature rise
411AFNOR FD ISO/TR 14049-20002000-12-01FrenchEnvironmental management - Life cycle assessment - Examples of application of ISO 14041 to goal and scope definition and inventory analysis
412AFNOR NF EN 62027-20002000-12-01FrenchPreparation of parts lists
413AFNOR NF EN 1503-3-20002000-12-01FrenchValves - Materials for bodies, bonnets and covers - Part 3 : cast iron specified in European Standards
414AFNOR NF EN 61591-20002000-12-01FrenchHousehold range hoods - Methods for measuring performance - Modified by NF EN 61591/A1:200608 (C73-216/A1)
415AFNOR NF EN 920-20002000-12-01FrenchPaper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Determination of dry matter content in an aqueous extract
416AFNOR NF EN 10284-20002000-12-01FrenchMalleable cast iron fittings with compression ends for polyethylene (PE) piping systems
417AFNOR NF L22-434-20002000-12-01FrenchAircraft bolts and nuts - Nuts, hexagonal, plain, normal height, normal across flats, left-hand ISO M or ISO MJ threads, 4H tolerance class
418AFNOR NF EN 1653/A1-20002000-12-01FrenchCopper and copper alloys - Plate, sheet and circles for boilers, pressure vessels, and hot water storage units
419AFNOR NF L22-431-20002000-12-01FrenchAircraft bolts and nuts - Nuts, hexagonal, plain, normal height, normal across flats, ISO M or ISO MJ threads, II, 4H5H or 5H tolerance class according to diameter
420AFNOR NF M03-036-20002000-12-01FrenchSolid mineral fuels - Determination of carbon dioxide by the gravimetric method
421AFNOR NF EN 1491-20002000-12-01FrenchBuilding valves - Expansion valves - Tests and requirements
422AFNOR NF L22-453-20002000-12-01FrenchAircraft bolts and nuts - Nuts, hexagonal, slotted/castellated, reduced height, ISO M or ISO MJ threads, 4H5H or 5H tolerance class according to diameter
423AFNOR NF L22-442-20002000-12-01FrenchAircraft bolts and nuts - Nuts, hexagonal, plain, reduced height, reduced across flats, left-hand ISO M or ISO MJ threads, 4H5H or 5H tolerance class according to diameter
424AFNOR NF L22-443-20002000-12-01FrenchAircraft bolts and nuts - Nuts, hexagonal, plain, reduced height, reduced across flats, with locking holes, ISO M or ISO MJ threads, 4H5H or 5H tolerance class according to diameter
425AFNOR NF EN 12675-20002000-12-01FrenchTraffic signal controllers - Functional safety requirements
426AFNOR NF L22-444-20002000-12-01FrenchAircraft bolts and nuts - Nuts, hexagonal, plain, reduced height, reduced across flats, with locking holes, left-hand ISO M or ISO MJ threads, 4H5H or 5H tolerance class according to diameter
427AFNOR NF L22-451-20002000-12-01FrenchAircraft bolts and nuts - Nuts, hexagonal, slotted/castellated, normal height, ISO M or ISO MJ threads, 4H5H or 5H tolerance class according to diameter
428AFNOR NF EN 1503-1-20002000-12-01FrenchValves - Materials for bodies, bonnets and covers - Part 1 : steels specified in European Standards
429AFNOR NF ISO 13556-20002000-12-01FrenchRoad vehicles - Localization of exhaust system leaks and equipment specifications
430AFNOR NF V04-412-20002000-12-01FrenchMeat and meat products - Determination of L-(+)-glutamic acid content - Reference method
431AFNOR NF V32-160-20002000-12-01FrenchWhole cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) - Specification
432AFNOR NF U47-018-20002000-12-01FrenchAnimal health analysis methods - Detection of antibodies against contagious bovine pleuropneumonia by the complement fixation test
433AFNOR NF T90-378-20002000-12-01FrenchWater quality - Determination of chronic toxicity to Daphnia magna Strauss in 7 days - Simplified population growth inhibition test
434AFNOR NF ETS 300690-20002000-11-01FrenchBusiness TeleCommunications (BTC) - 140 Mbit/s digital leased lines (D140U and D140S) - Terminal equipment interface
435AFNOR NF T60-134-20002000-11-01FrenchWaxes and paraffin waxes - Carbonizable substances in paraffin wax (qualitative test)
436AFNOR NF S52-200-20002000-11-01FrenchLeisure Petanque bowls - Minimum quality characteristics
437AFNOR NF J95-065-20002000-11-01FrenchCanoeing - Sampling for the manufacture of the 'VitAL' kayak
438AFNOR NF EN ISO 11547/A1-20002000-11-01FrenchSmall craft - Start-in-gear protection
439AFNOR NF EN ISO 10592/A1-20002000-11-01FrenchSmall craft - Hydraulic steering systems
440AFNOR NF EN ISO 9097/A1-20002000-11-01FrenchSmall craft - Electric fans
441AFNOR FD S99-131-20002000-11-01FrenchConcepts and recommendations for the implementation and improvement of a documentary system within health establishements
442AFNOR NF ISO 7293-20002000-11-01FrenchForestry machinery - Portable chain-saws - Engine performance and fuel consumption
443AFNOR NF ISO 6322-2-20002000-11-01FrenchStorage of cereals and pulses - Part 2 : practical recommandations
444AFNOR NF EN 60669-2-1-20002000-11-01FrenchSwitches for household and similar fixed-electrical installations - Part 2 : particular requirements - Section 1 : electronic switches - Modified by NF EN 60669-2-1/A2:200204 (C61-111/A2),NF EN 60669-2-1 F1:200408 (C61-111F1)
445AFNOR NF EN 60398-20002000-11-01FrenchIndustrial electroheating installations - General test methods
446AFNOR NF EN 60193-20002000-11-01FrenchHydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines - Model acceptance tests
447AFNOR NF ETS 300766-20002000-11-01FrenchBusiness TeleCommunications (BTC) - Multiple 64 kbit/s digital unrestricted leased lines with octet integrity presented at a stuctured 2048 kbit/s interface at either or both ends (D64M) - Connection characteristics and network interface presentation
448AFNOR NF EN 60044-2-20002000-11-01FrenchInstrument transformers - Part 2 : inductive voltage transformers - Modified by NF EN 60044-2/A1:200111 (C42-544-2/A1),NF EN 60044-2/A2:200305 (C42-544-2/A2)
449AFNOR NF EN 60044-1-20002000-11-01FrenchInstrument transformers - Part 1 : current transformers - Modified by NF EN 60044-1/A1:200110 (C42-544-1/A1),NF EN 60044-1/A2:200305 (C42-544-1/A2)
450AFNOR NF EN 60034-18-31/A1-20002000-11-01FrenchRotating electrical machines - Part 18 : functional evaluation of insulation systems - Section 31 : test procedures for form-wound windings - Thermal evaluation and classification of insulation systems used in machines up to and including 50 MVA and 15 kV
451AFNOR NF EN 60034-18-21/A1 + A2-20002000-11-01FrenchRotating electrical machines - Part 18 : functional evaluation of insulation systems - Section 21 : test procedures for wire-wound windings - Thermal evaluation and classification
452AFNOR CWA 14050-25-20002000-11-01FrenchExtensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Release 3.0 - Part 25 : Identification Card Device Class Interface - PC/SC Integration Guidelines
453AFNOR CWA 14050-24-20002000-11-01FrenchExtensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Release 3.0 - Part 24 : Camera Device Class Interface - Migration from Version 2.0 (see CWA 13449) to Version 3.0 (this CWA) - Programmer's Reference
454AFNOR CWA 14050-22-20002000-11-01FrenchExtensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Release 3.0 - Part 22 : Text Terminal Unit Device Class Interface - Migration from Version 2.0 (see CWA 13449) to Version 3.0 (this CWA) -Programmer's Reference
455AFNOR CWA 14050-21-20002000-11-01FrenchExtensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Release 3.0 - Part 21 : Depository Device Class Interface - Migration from Version 2.0 (see CWA 13449) to Version 3.0 (this CWA) - Programmer's Reference
456AFNOR CWA 14050-20-20002000-11-01FrenchExtensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Release 3.0 - Part 20 : Pin Keypad Device Class Interface - Migration from Version 2.0 (see CWA 13449) to Version 3.0 (this CWA) - Programmer's Reference
457AFNOR CWA 14050-19-20002000-11-01FrenchExtensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Release 3.0 - Part 19 : Cash Dispenser Device Class Interface - Migration from Version 2.0 (see CWA 13449) to Version 3.0 (this CWA) - Programmer's Reference
458AFNOR CWA 14050-18-20002000-11-01FrenchExtensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Release 3.0 - Part 18 : Identification Card Device Class Interface - Migration from Version 2.0 (see CWA 13449) to Version 3.0 (this CWA) -Programmer's Reference
459AFNOR CWA 14050-17-20002000-11-01FrenchExtensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Release 3.0 - Part 17 : Printer Device Class Interface - Migration from Version 2.0 (see CWA 13449) to Version 3.0 (this CWA) - Programmer's Reference
460AFNOR CWA 14050-16-20002000-11-01FrenchExtensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Release 3.0 - Part 16 : Application Programming Interface (API) - Service Provider Interface (SPI) - Migration from Version 2.0 (see CWA 13449) to Version 3.0 (this CWA) - Programmer's Reference
461AFNOR CWA 14050-14-20002000-11-01FrenchExtensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Release 3.0 - Part 14 : Card Embossing Unit Class Interface
462AFNOR CWA 14050-13-20002000-11-01FrenchExtensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Release 3.0 - Part 13 : Alarm Device Class Interface
463AFNOR CWA 14050-12-20002000-11-01FrenchExtensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Release 3.0 - Part 12 : Camera Device Class Interface
464AFNOR CWA 14050-11-20002000-11-01FrenchExtensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Release 3.0 - Part 11 : Vendor Dependent Mode Class Interface
465AFNOR CWA 14050-9-20002000-11-01FrenchExtensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification -Release3.0 - Part 9 : Text Terminal Unit Device Class Interface
466AFNOR CWA 14050-8-20002000-11-01FrenchExtensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Release 3.0 - Part 8 : Depository Device Class Interface
467AFNOR CWA 14050-7-20002000-11-01FrenchExtensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Release 3.0 - Part 7 : Check Reader/Scanner Device Class Interface
468AFNOR CWA 14050-5-20002000-11-01FrenchExtensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Release 3.0 - Part 5 : Cash Dispenser Device Class Interface
469AFNOR NF EN 28848/A1-20002000-11-01FrenchSmall craft - Remote steering systems
470AFNOR NF E66-520-7-20002000-11-01FrenchWorking zones of cutting tools - Couple tool-material - Part 7 : application to drilling technology on solid
471AFNOR NF E66-520-8-20002000-11-01FrenchWorking zones of cutting tools - Couple tool-material - Part 8 : couple tool-material methodology in drilling on plain
472AFNOR NF EN 12727-20002000-11-01FrenchFurniture - Ranked seating - Test methods and requirements for strength and durability
473AFNOR NF EN 89/A2-20002000-11-01FrenchGas fired storage water heaters for the production of domestic hot water
474AFNOR NF EN 12669-20002000-11-01FrenchDirect gas-fired hot air blowers for use in greenhouses and supplementary non-domestic space heating
475AFNOR NF EN 12219-20002000-11-01FrenchDoors - Climatic influences - Requirements and classification
476AFNOR NF EN 12200-1-20002000-11-01FrenchPlastics rainwater piping systems for above ground external use - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 1 : specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
477AFNOR NF EN 12056-3-20002000-11-01FrenchGravity drainage systems inside buildings - Part 3 : roof drainage, layout and calculation
478AFNOR NF EN 1644-2-20002000-11-01FrenchTest methods for nonwoven compresses for medical use - Part 2 : finished compresses
479AFNOR NF EN 1069-1-20002000-11-01FrenchWater slides over 2 m height and more - Part 1 : safety requirements and test methods
480AFNOR NF EN 1074-4-20002000-11-01FrenchValves for water supply - Fitness for purpose requirements and appropriate verification tests - Part 4 : air valves
481AFNOR NF EN 1919-20002000-11-01FrenchTransportable gas cylinders - Cylinders for liquified gases (excluding actylene and L.P.G.) - Inspection at time of filling
482AFNOR NF EN 1920-20002000-11-01FrenchTransportable gas cylinders - Cylinders for compressed gases (excluding acetylene) - Inspection at time of filling
483AFNOR NF R63-202-20002000-11-01FrenchRoad vehicles - Garage equipment - Engine RPM tachometer - General specifications
484AFNOR NF ISO 8893-20002000-11-01FrenchForestry machinery - Portable brush-cutters and grass-trimmers - Engine performance and fuel consumption
485AFNOR NF EN 61881-20002000-11-01FrenchRailway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Capacitors for power electronics
486AFNOR NF EN ISO 665-20002000-11-01FrenchOilseeds - Determination of moisture and volatile matter content
487AFNOR NF EN 61834-4-20002000-11-01FrenchRecording - Helical-scan digital video cassette recording system using 6,35 mm magnetic tape for consumer use (525-60, 625-50, 1125-60 and 1250-50 systems) - Part 4 : pack header table and contents
488AFNOR NF EN 12104-20002000-11-01FrenchResilient floor coverings - Cork floor tiles - Specification
489AFNOR NF EN 29775/A1-20002000-11-01FrenchSmall craft - Remote steering systems for single outboard motors of 15 kW to 40 kW power
490AFNOR CWA 14050-1-20002000-11-01FrenchExtensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Release 3.0 - Part 1 : Application Programming Interface (API) - Service Provider Interface (SPI) - Programmer's Reference
491AFNOR NF EN 1551-20002000-11-01FrenchSafety of industrial trucks - Self propelled trucks over 10 000 kg capacity
492AFNOR NF EN 624-20002000-11-01FrenchSpecification for dedicated LPG appliances - Room sealed LPG space heating equipment for installation in vehicles and boats - Modified by NF EN 624/A2:200705 (D35-357/A2)
493AFNOR NF EN ISO 13431-20002000-11-01FrenchGeotextiles and geotextile-related products - Determination of tensile creep and creep rupture behaviour
494AFNOR NF EN 12879-20002000-11-01FrenchCharacterization of sludges - Determination of the loss on ignition of dry mass
495AFNOR NF EN ISO 15253-20002000-11-01FrenchOphthalmic optics and instruments - Optical devices for low vision
496AFNOR NF EN ISO 3146-20002000-11-01FrenchPlastics - Determination of melting behaviour (melting temperature or melting range) of semi-crystalline polymers by capillary tube and polarizing-microscope methods
497AFNOR NF EN 60705-20002000-11-01FrenchHousehold microwave ovens 6 Methods for measuring performance - Modified by NF EN 60705/A1:200504 (C73-212/A1),NF EN 60705/A2:200606 (C73-212/A2)
498AFNOR CWA 14050-2-20002000-11-01FrenchExtensions for Financial Services (XFS) interface specification - Release 3.0 - Part 2 : Service Classes Definition
499AFNOR NF EN 12880-20002000-11-01FrenchCharacterization of sludges - Determination of dry residue and water content
500AFNOR NF EN ISO 13716-20002000-11-01FrenchDentistry - Reversible-irreversible hydrocolloid impression material systems