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期刊名称 | 期刊数据库列表 | |
1. The Philippine Star() | 显示详情 | |
2. The Phillips Bee() | 显示详情 | |
3. The Philosopher(0967-6074) | 显示详情 | |
4. The Philosopher's annual(0162-234X) | 显示详情 | |
5. The Philosopher's index(0031-7993) | 显示详情 | |
6. THE PHILOSOPHERS MAGAZINE(1354-814X) | 显示详情 | |
7. The Philosophical Forum(0031-806X) | 显示详情 | |
8. The Philosophical magazine(1941-5850) | 显示详情 | |
9. The Philosophical Quarterly (1950-)(0031-8094) | 显示详情 | |
10. The Philosophical Review(0031-8108) | 显示详情 | |
11. The Philosophy of Humor Yearbook(2698-7171) | 显示详情 | |
12. The Phnom Penh Post() | 显示详情 | |
13. The Phnom Penh Post(1563-9673) | 显示详情 | |
14. The Phonetician(0741-6164) | 显示详情 | |
15. The photobook review(2165-7645) | 显示详情 | |
16. The photogrammetric journal of Finland(0554-1069) | 显示详情 | |
17. The Photogrammetric Record(0031-868X) | 显示详情 | |
18. The photonics directory(1044-1425) | 显示详情 | |
19. The Photonics European directory(1056-9324) | 显示详情 | |
20. The Phylon Quarterly(0885-6826) | 显示详情 | |
21. The Physical therapy review(0735-7435) | 显示详情 | |
22. The Physician and sportsmedicine(0091-3847) | 显示详情 | |
23. The Physiotherapy review() | 显示详情 | |
24. The Piano quarterly(0031-9554) | 显示详情 | |
25. The Picatinny Magazine() | 显示详情 | |
26. The Pickerington times-sun(0746-9101) | 显示详情 | |
27. The Piedmont Journal() | 显示详情 | |
28. The Pilot(0031-9821) | 显示详情 | |
29. The Piloteer() | 显示详情 | |
30. The Pilot-Independent() | 显示详情 | |
31. The PIMS monthly petroleum report(0099-0914) | 显示详情 | |
32. The Pink Sheet(1530-6240) | 显示详情 | |
33. The pink sheet daily(1554-4036) | 显示详情 | |
34. The Pioneer() | 显示详情 | |
35. The Pip: Being the Souvenir of No. 5 Coy. G.O.C.B. Christ's College() | 显示详情 | |
36. The Pipeline(0032-0188) | 显示详情 | |
37. The pipeline(0747-7562) | 显示详情 | |
38. The Pipestone Flyer() | 显示详情 | |
39. The Pittsburg post dispatch(0746-7389) | 显示详情 | |
40. The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (PA)() | 显示详情 | |
41. The Pittsburgh undergraduate review(0734-3140) | 显示详情 | |
42. The Place() | 显示详情 | |
43. The Plain Dealer(0701-0877) | 显示详情 | |
44. The plan journal : TPJ(2531-7644) | 显示详情 | |
45. The Planetarian(0090-3213) | 显示详情 | |
46. The Plant Cell(1040-4651) | 显示详情 | |
47. The Plant disease reporter(0032-0811) | 显示详情 | |
48. The plant genome(1940-3372) | 显示详情 | |
49. The Plant Journal(0960-7412) | 显示详情 | |
50. The Plant press(0826-2268) | 显示详情 | |
51. The Plant World(0096-8307) | 显示详情 | |
52. The Pluralist(1930-7365) | 显示详情 | |
53. The Plymouth Evening Herald(0307-3602) | 显示详情 | |
54. The Plymouth Student Journal of Health & Social Work(1758-9320) | 显示详情 | |
55. The Poetry Ireland Review(0332-2998) | 显示详情 | |
56. The Point Newspaper (Gambia)() | 显示详情 | |
57. The Pointer(0554-4246) | 显示详情 | |
58. The Pole Star() | 显示详情 | |
59. The Police surgeon(0308-0242) | 显示详情 | |
60. The Polish Journal of Aesthetics(2544-8242) | 显示详情 | |
61. The Polish Review(0032-2970) | 显示详情 | |
62. The Polish Sociological Bulletin(0032-2997) | 显示详情 | |
63. The Political and Business Daily() | 显示详情 | |
64. The Political and Economic Journal of Sikkim() | 显示详情 | |
65. The Political Animal [Saint Paul Pioneer Press - BLOG]() | 显示详情 | |
66. The Political Quarterly(0032-3179) | 显示详情 | |
67. The Politics Show from NPR() | 显示详情 | |
68. The Polk County Times() | 显示详情 | |
69. The pomegranate(1528-0268) | 显示详情 | |
70. The Pope Speaks(0032-4353) | 显示详情 | |
71. The Port Blare() | 显示详情 | |
72. The Port Hope evening guide(0832-3291) | 显示详情 | |
73. The Port Hope weekly guide(1184-5430) | 显示详情 | |
74. The Port Perry Star() | 显示详情 | |
75. The Portsmouth Evening News() | 显示详情 | |
76. The Post() | 显示详情 | |
77. The Post() | 显示详情 | |
78. The Post(0891-5628) | 显示详情 | |
79. The Post(1563-8618) | 显示详情 | |
80. The Post(2041-8701) | 显示详情 | |
81. The Post Hole() | 显示详情 | |
82. The postcolonialist(2330-510X) | 显示详情 | |
83. The Post-Crescent() | 显示详情 | |
84. The Post-Crescent (Appleton, WI)() | 显示详情 | |
85. The Post-intelligencer(0746-6307) | 显示详情 | |
86. The post-record(0839-4962) | 显示详情 | |
87. The Post-Star (Glens Falls, NY)(0897-0505) | 显示详情 | |
88. The post-tribune(8750-3492) | 显示详情 | |
89. The Poultice() | 显示详情 | |
90. The Poultry times(0091-5963) | 显示详情 | |
91. The poultry times(0275-3278) | 显示详情 | |
92. The Power Index() | 显示详情 | |
93. The Power of Personal Philanthropy : Campaign for VCU() | 显示详情 | |
94. The Pow-Wow: Unofficial Journal of the Universities and Public Schools (118th) Brigade() | 显示详情 | |
95. The Powys Journal(0962-7057) | 显示详情 | |
96. The Poznan University of Economics Review(1643-5877) | 显示详情 | |
97. The practex journal(1556-6994) | 显示详情 | |
98. The Practical Litigator(1047-6261) | 显示详情 | |
99. The Practical Real Estate Lawyer(8756-0372) | 显示详情 | |
100. The Practical Tax Lawyer(0890-4898) | 显示详情 | |
101. The practising midwife(1461-3123) | 显示详情 |