Page:1 |........| 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | ........|104 |
期刊名称 | 期刊数据库列表 | |
1. The 11th Hour with Brian Williams() | 显示详情 | |
2. The 2/1st South Wales Mounted Brigade Revue() | 显示详情 | |
3. The 2000 Seoul International Sport Science Congress() | 显示详情 | |
4. The 23rd: The Voice of the Battalion() | 显示详情 | |
5. The 2River view(1536-2086) | 显示详情 | |
6. The 3rd Battalion Machine Gun Corps Magazine() | 显示详情 | |
7. The 40-Mile County Commentator(0710-3948) | 显示详情 | |
8. The 65th Gazette() | 显示详情 | |
9. The 6th K.S.L.I. News() | 显示详情 | |
10. The 7th Field Artillery Yandoo() | 显示详情 | |
11. The 9th D.C.L.I. Annual. Christmas, 1914() | 显示详情 | |
12. The A.I.F. Education Service Journal() | 显示详情 | |
13. The A.O.C. Workshops' Gazette() | 显示详情 | |
14. The A.P.C. Mirror() | 显示详情 | |
15. The A.P.C. Topics() | 显示详情 | |
16. The AAAS observer(1043-6936) | 显示详情 | |
17. The AAPS Journal(1550-7416) | 显示详情 | |
18. The AAPS journal(1554-2726) | 显示详情 | |
19. The AAPS journal. Annual meeting abstracts(1551-1081) | 显示详情 | |
20. The AASA professor(0898-252X) | 显示详情 | |
21. The ABAA newsletter(1070-700X) | 显示详情 | |
22. The Abbey newsletter(0276-8291) | 显示详情 | |
23. The Abbotsford News() | 显示详情 | |
24. The ABCA journal of business communication(0886-7216) | 显示详情 | |
25. The absinthe literary review(1939-0343) | 显示详情 | |
26. The Academic reviewer(0567-6487) | 显示详情 | |
27. The Academy of Management Executive (1987-1989)(0896-3789) | 显示详情 | |
28. The Academy of Management Executive (1993-2005)(1079-5545) | 显示详情 | |
29. The Academy of Management Journal(0001-4273) | 显示详情 | |
30. The Academy of Management Review(0363-7425) | 显示详情 | |
31. The Accounting educators' journal(1041-0392) | 显示详情 | |
32. The Accounting Historians Journal(0148-4184) | 显示详情 | |
33. The Accounting historians notebook(1075-1416) | 显示详情 | |
34. The Accounting Review(0001-4826) | 显示详情 | |
35. The ACES bulletin(0360-5930) | 显示详情 | |
36. The Acorn(0274-8762) | 显示详情 | |
37. The ACSPRI Summer Program in Social Research Methods and Research Technology() | 显示详情 | |
38. The Actinomycetes(0732-0574) | 显示详情 | |
39. The actuary(0001-7825) | 显示详情 | |
40. The actuary Magazine() | 显示详情 | |
41. The Addiction letter(8756-405X) | 显示详情 | |
42. The ADHD Report(1065-8025) | 显示详情 | |
43. The Adirondack review(1533-2063) | 显示详情 | |
44. The adjudant() | 显示详情 | |
45. The adjunct advocate(1078-5264) | 显示详情 | |
46. The Administrative judiciary news and journal(1064-394X) | 显示详情 | |
47. The Administrative law bulletin(0575-3368) | 显示详情 | |
48. The advertiser(0745-3221) | 显示详情 | |
49. The Advertiser(2209-6507) | 显示详情 | |
50. The Advertiser Series() | 显示详情 | |
51. THE ADVERTISING FORECAST(1369-3530) | 显示详情 | |
52. The Advocate(0094-2197) | 显示详情 | |
53. The advocate(0832-4360) | 显示详情 | |
54. The Advocate(1526-2901) | 显示详情 | |
55. The Advocate (Perth)(1446-9275) | 显示详情 | |
56. The Advocate Magazine(1552-6208) | 显示详情 | |
57. The Advocate newsmagazine(0001-8996) | 显示详情 | |
58. The Advocate of Peace (1837-1845)(2154-8382) | 显示详情 | |
59. The Advocate of Peace (1894-1920)(2155-7799) | 显示详情 | |
60. The Advocate of Peace and Universal Brotherhood(2154-8420) | 显示详情 | |
61. The Advocate: Blogs() | 显示详情 | |
62. The advocates' forum() | 显示详情 | |
63. The AEI economist(0149-9785) | 显示详情 | |
64. The Aesculapian(0898-1957) | 显示详情 | |
65. The AFCS-nature molecule pages(1477-5921) | 显示详情 | |
66. The Africa e-journal(1536-7770) | 显示详情 | |
67. The Africa journal(1536-7770) | 显示详情 | |
68. The African(0856-6585) | 显示详情 | |
69. The African journal of information systems(1936-0282) | 显示详情 | |
70. The African journal of respiratory medicine(1747-5597) | 显示详情 | |
71. The African Music Society Newsletter(2078-807X) | 显示详情 | |
72. The : views and analysis from the African continent(2073-4956) | 显示详情 | |
73. The Agamemnon Times() | 显示详情 | |
74. The Agassiz-Harrison Observer (BC)(1194-448X) | 显示详情 | |
75. The Age (Melbourne, Australia)(2203-580X) | 显示详情 | |
76. The Agni Review(0191-3352) | 显示详情 | |
77. The Agonist() | 显示详情 | |
78. The Agora(1059-2989) | 显示详情 | |
79. The Agricultural Education Magazine(0732-4677) | 显示详情 | |
80. The Agricultural History Review(0002-1490) | 显示详情 | |
81. The agricultural situation in the European Union(1025-6660) | 显示详情 | |
82. The agriculturists(1729-5211) | 显示详情 | |
83. The AIDS letter(0952-7427) | 显示详情 | |
84. The Aileron() | 显示详情 | |
85. The Air and Space Lawyer(0747-7449) | 显示详情 | |
86. The Air conditioning, heating and refrigeration news. HVAC/R directory issue(1061-9631) | 显示详情 | |
87. The Air Power Historian(0277-9048) | 显示详情 | |
88. The Air reservist(0002-2535) | 显示详情 | |
89. The Air-Co Rag() | 显示详情 | |
90. The Alabama business & economic journal(0743-779X) | 显示详情 | |
91. The Albatross: Journal of the Royal Air Force, Blandford() | 显示详情 | |
92. The Alberta gazette(0002-4775) | 显示详情 | |
93. The alchemist(1369-7048) | 显示详情 | |
94. The Alcoholism report(0276-3613) | 显示详情 | |
95. The Aldine(2151-4186) | 显示详情 | |
96. The Aldine Press(2154-8617) | 显示详情 | |
97. The Alexander Rag() | 显示详情 | |
98. The Alexandria gazette(8750-4987) | 显示详情 | |
99. The Algemeiner journal(1084-4317) | 显示详情 | |
100. The Algona Upper Des Moines() | 显示详情 | |
101. The Alkaloids. Chemistry and biology(1099-4831) | 显示详情 |