期刊名称 | 期刊数据库列表 |
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1. Quaker Studies(1363-013X) | 显示详情 |
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2. Quaker theology(1526-7482) | 显示详情 |
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3. Qualcomm Incorporated MarketLine Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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4. QUALCOMM Incorporated SWOT Analysis() | 显示详情 |
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5. Qualcomm, Inc. SWOT Analysis() | 显示详情 |
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6. Qualicaps, Inc Medtrack Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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7. Qualified Remodeler(0098-9207) | 显示详情 |
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8. Qualifikations-Entwicklungs-Management-Bulletin(0946-5022) | 显示详情 |
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9. Qualifizierung für Inklusion(2699-2477) | 显示详情 |
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10. Qualigen Inc Medtrack Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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11. Qualiphar NV Medtrack Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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12. Qualit@s(1677-4280) | 显示详情 |
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13. Qualitaet Und Zuverlaessigkeit(0720-1214) | 显示详情 |
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14. Qualitas Compania de Seguros, S.A.B. de C.V. MarketLine Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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15. Qualitas hodie(1133-2417) | 显示详情 |
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16. Qualität der europäischen Badegewässer(2315-2052) | 显示详情 |
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17. Qualität der Medien (1664-4131) | 显示详情 |
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18. Qualitative Communication Research(2161-9107) | 显示详情 |
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19. Qualitative inquiries in music therapy(1559-7326) | 显示详情 |
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20. Qualitative Inquiry(1077-8004) | 显示详情 |
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21. Qualitative market research(1352-2752) | 显示详情 |
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22. Qualitative research in accounting & management(1176-6093) | 显示详情 |
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23. Qualitative Research in Education(2014-6418) | 显示详情 |
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24. Qualitative research in financial markets(1755-4179) | 显示详情 |
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25. Qualitative Research in Medicine & Healthcare(2532-2044) | 显示详情 |
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26. Qualitative research in organizations and management(1746-5648) | 显示详情 |
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27. Qualitative Research in Psychology(1478-0887) | 显示详情 |
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28. Qualitative Research Journal(1443-9883) | 显示详情 |
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29. Qualitative Sociology(0162-0436) | 显示详情 |
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30. QUALITATIVE SOCIOLOGY REVIEW(1733-8077) | 显示详情 |
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31. Qualitative studies(1903-7031) | 显示详情 |
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32. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems(1575-5460) | 显示详情 |
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33. Qualitätsbericht der onkologischen Schwerpunktpraxen / hrsg. vom Berufsverband der Niedergelassenen Hämatologen und Onkologen in Deutschland (BNHO)() | 显示详情 |
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34. Quality(0360-9936) | 显示详情 |
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35. Quality & Quantity(0033-5177) | 显示详情 |
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36. Quality and Reliability Engineering International(0748-8017) | 显示详情 |
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37. Quality and Safety in Health Care(1475-3898) | 显示详情 |
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38. Quality and User Experience(2366-0139) | 显示详情 |
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39. Quality approaches in higher education(2161-265X) | 显示详情 |
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40. Quality Assistance s a Medtrack Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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41. Quality assurance(1052-9411) | 显示详情 |
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42. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods(1757-8361) | 显示详情 |
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43. Quality assurance and utilization review(0885-713X) | 显示详情 |
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44. Quality assurance in education(0968-4883) | 显示详情 |
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45. Quality assurance in health care(1040-6166) | 显示详情 |
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46. Quality Biological, Inc. Medtrack Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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47. Quality circle digest(0278-2642) | 显示详情 |
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48. Quality control and applied statistics(0033-5207) | 显示详情 |
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49. Quality control reports(0163-2418) | 显示详情 |
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50. Quality counts() | 显示详情 |
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51. Quality digest(1049-8699) | 显示详情 |
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52. Quality Distribution, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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53. Quality engineering(0898-2112) | 显示详情 |
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54. Quality Engineering(1436-2457) | 显示详情 |
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55. Quality in ageing(1471-7794) | 显示详情 |
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56. Quality in ageing and older adults(2044-1827) | 显示详情 |
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57. Quality in Health Care(0963-8172) | 显示详情 |
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58. Quality In Manufacturing(1066-2537) | 显示详情 |
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59. Quality in Sport(2450-3118) | 显示详情 |
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60. Quality King Distributors, Inc. SWOT Analysis() | 显示详情 |
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61. Quality management & engineering(0096-5030) | 显示详情 |
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62. Quality of Life Research(0962-9343) | 显示详情 |
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63. Quality of Life: A Multi-Disciplinary Journal of Food Science, Environmental Science & Public Health(1986-602X) | 显示详情 |
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64. Quality Progress(0033-524X) | 显示详情 |
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65. Quality Systems Inc Medtrack Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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66. QualityMetric Medtrack Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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67. Qualstar Corporation MarketLine Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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68. Quanex Building Products Corporation MarketLine Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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69. Quanta(1314-7374) | 显示详情 |
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70. Quanta Biotech Ltd Medtrack Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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71. Quanta Computer Inc. MarketLine Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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72. Quanta Computer Inc. SWOT Analysis() | 显示详情 |
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73. Quanta Services, Inc. MarketLine Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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74. Quanta Services, Inc. SWOT Analysis() | 显示详情 |
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75. Quanta Storage Inc. MarketLine Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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76. Quantel SA MarketLine Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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77. Quantimetrix Corporation Medtrack Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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78. Quantitative Biology(2095-4689) | 显示详情 |
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79. Quantitative Economics(1759-7323) | 显示详情 |
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80. Quantitative Economics Research(2621-5918) | 显示详情 |
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81. Quantitative finance(1469-7688) | 显示详情 |
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82. Quantitative Finance and Economics(2573-0134) | 显示详情 |
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83. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery(2223-4292) | 显示详情 |
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84. Quantitative Marketing and Economics(1570-7156) | 显示详情 |
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85. Quantitative Science Studies(2641-3337) | 显示详情 |
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86. Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships(0931-8771) | 显示详情 |
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87. Quantitative structure-activity relationships in pharmacology, chemistry and biology(0722-3676) | 显示详情 |
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88. QuantStrat TradeR [BLOG]() | 显示详情 |
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89. Quantum(1048-8820) | 显示详情 |
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90. Quantum - the open journal for quantum science(2521-327X) | 显示详情 |
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91. Quantum Analytics Medtrack Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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92. Quantum and semiclassical optics(1355-5111) | 显示详情 |
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93. Quantum Beam Science(2412-382X) | 显示详情 |
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94. Quantum Corporation MarketLine Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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95. Quantum electronics(1063-7818) | 显示详情 |
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96. Quantum Engineering(2577-0470) | 显示详情 |
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97. Quantum Genomics Corp Medtrack Company Profile() | 显示详情 |
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98. QUANTUM Information(0172-8776) | 显示详情 |
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99. Quantum information & computation(1533-7146) | 显示详情 |
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100. Quantum Information Processing(1570-0755) | 显示详情 |
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101. Quantum Machine Intelligence(2524-4906) | 显示详情 |