Page:1 |........| 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | ........|81 |
期刊名称 | 期刊数据库列表 | |
1. Physics and Mathematics(2072-8387) | 显示详情 | |
2. Physics and Philosophy(1863-7388) | 显示详情 | |
3. Physics and society(1049-4162) | 显示详情 | |
4. Physics Bulletin(0031-9112) | 显示详情 | |
5. Physics Communication(2528-5971) | 显示详情 | |
6. Physics Connect() | 显示详情 | |
7. Physics education(0031-9120) | 显示详情 | |
8. Physics Essays(0836-1398) | 显示详情 | |
9. Physics in Medicine(2352-4510) | 显示详情 | |
10. Physics in medicine and biology(0031-9155) | 显示详情 | |
11. Physics in Perspective(1422-6944) | 显示详情 | |
12. Physics in technology(0305-4624) | 显示详情 | |
13. Physics Journal of the Indonesian Physical Society(1410-8860) | 显示详情 | |
14. Physics letters(0031-9163) | 显示详情 | |
15. Physics letters. A(0375-9601) | 显示详情 | |
16. Physics letters. B(0370-2693) | 显示详情 | |
17. Physics news(0160-3353) | 显示详情 | |
18. Physics of Atomic Nuclei(1063-7788) | 显示详情 | |
19. Physics of condensed matter(0340-2347) | 显示详情 | |
20. Physics of Fluids(1070-6631) | 显示详情 | |
21. Physics of Fluids (1958)(0031-9171) | 显示详情 | |
22. Physics of Fluids. A, Fluid dynamics(0899-8213) | 显示详情 | |
23. Physics of Fluids. B, Plasma Physics(0899-8221) | 显示详情 | |
24. Physics of Life Reviews(1571-0645) | 显示详情 | |
25. Physics of Metals & Advanced Technologies(1741-9808) | 显示详情 | |
26. Physics of Metals and Metallography(0031-918X) | 显示详情 | |
27. Physics of Particles and Nuclei(1063-7796) | 显示详情 | |
28. Physics of Particles and Nuclei Letters(1547-4771) | 显示详情 | |
29. Physics of Plasmas(1070-664X) | 显示详情 | |
30. Physics of sintering(0031-9198) | 显示详情 | |
31. Physics of the Dark Universe(2212-6864) | 显示详情 | |
32. Physics of the earth and planetary interiors(0031-9201) | 显示详情 | |
33. Physics of the Solid State(1063-7834) | 显示详情 | |
34. Physics of thin films(0079-1970) | 显示详情 | |
35. Physics of vibrations(1069-1227) | 显示详情 | |
36. Physics of Wave Phenomena(1541-308X) | 显示详情 | |
37. Physics Open(2666-0326) | 显示详情 | |
38. Physics Procedia(1875-3892) | 显示详情 | |
39. Physics reports(0370-1573) | 显示详情 | |
40. Physics Research International(2090-2220) | 显示详情 | |
41. Physics Teacher(0031-921X) | 显示详情 | |
42. Physics Today(0031-9228) | 显示详情 | |
43. Physics Uspekhi(1063-7869) | 显示详情 | |
44. Physics World(0953-8585) | 显示详情 | |
45. Physics, chemistry and mechanics of surfaces(0734-1520) | 显示详情 | |
46. Physics-Doklady(1063-7753) | 显示详情 | |
47. Physik AT() | 显示详情 | |
48. Physik in unserer Zeit(0031-9252) | 显示详情 | |
49. Physik und Didaktik in Schule und Hochschule(1865-5521) | 显示详情 | |
50. Physikalische Blätter(0031-9279) | 显示详情 | |
51. Physikalische Blätter(0342-4480) | 显示详情 | |
52. Physikalische Medizin, Rehabilitationsmedizin, Kurortmedizin(0940-6689) | 显示详情 | |
53. Physik-Journal(0031-9279) | 显示详情 | |
54. Physiogenex SAS Medtrack Company Profile() | 显示详情 | |
55. PhysioGenix Inc Medtrack Company Profile() | 显示详情 | |
56. Physio-Géo(1958-573X) | 显示详情 | |
57. Physiologia bohemoslovaca(0369-9463) | 显示详情 | |
58. Physiologia Plantarum(0031-9317) | 显示详情 | |
59. Physiologia plantarum. Supplementum(0079-2012) | 显示详情 | |
60. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology: Ecological and Evolutionary Approaches(1522-2152) | 显示详情 | |
61. Physiological and molecular plant pathology(0885-5765) | 显示详情 | |
62. Physiological chemistry and physics(0031-9325) | 显示详情 | |
63. Physiological chemistry and physics and medical NMR(0748-6642) | 显示详情 | |
64. Physiological Entomology(0307-6962) | 显示详情 | |
65. Physiological genomics(1094-8341) | 显示详情 | |
66. Physiological measurement(0967-3334) | 显示详情 | |
67. Physiological plant pathology(0048-4059) | 显示详情 | |
68. Physiological Reports(2051-817X) | 显示详情 | |
69. Physiological Research(0862-8408) | 显示详情 | |
70. Physiological Reviews(0031-9333) | 显示详情 | |
71. Physiological reviews. Supplement(0554-1395) | 显示详情 | |
72. Physiological Zoology(0031-935X) | 显示详情 | |
73. Physiologie Expérimentale: Travaux du Laboratoire de Marey() | 显示详情 | |
74. Physiologie végétale(0031-9368) | 显示详情 | |
75. Physiologist(0031-9376) | 显示详情 | |
76. Physiologiste Russe, Le() | 显示详情 | |
77. Physiology(1548-9213) | 显示详情 | |
78. Physiology & behavior(0031-9384) | 显示详情 | |
79. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants(0971-5894) | 显示详情 | |
80. Physiology International(2498-602X) | 显示详情 | |
81. Physiology journal(2314-4300) | 显示详情 | |
82. Physiology news(1476-7996) | 显示详情 | |
83. Physiomics PLC Medtrack Company Profile() | 显示详情 | |
84. Physiopraxis(1439-023X) | 显示详情 | |
85. Physioquébec(0706-4284) | 显示详情 | |
86. Physioscience(1860-3092) | 显示详情 | |
87. Physiotherapy(0031-9406) | 显示详情 | |
88. Physiotherapy(1230-8323) | 显示详情 | |
89. Physiotherapy Canada(0300-0508) | 显示详情 | |
90. Physiotherapy Ireland(1649-7619) | 显示详情 | |
91. Physiotherapy practice(0266-6154) | 显示详情 | |
92. Physiotherapy Practice and Research(2213-0683) | 显示详情 | |
93. Physiotherapy Quarterly(2544-4395) | 显示详情 | |
94. Physiotherapy Research International(1358-2267) | 显示详情 | |
95. Physiotherapy theory and practice(0959-3985) | 显示详情 | |
96. Physis(0031-9414) | 显示详情 | |
97. Physis(0103-7331) | 显示详情 | |
98. Phytobiomes(2471-2906) | 显示详情 | |
99. PhytoChem & BioSub Journal(2170-1768) | 显示详情 | |
100. Phytochemical Analysis(0958-0344) | 显示详情 | |
101. Phytochemistry(0031-9422) | 显示详情 |