Total count:9157records

Page:1 |........| 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | ........|91 |

1. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation(0721-7595)显示详情
2. Journal of plant interactions(1742-9145)显示详情
3. Journal of Plant Molecular Breeding(2322-3332)显示详情
4. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science(1436-8730)显示详情
5. Journal of Plant Pathology(1125-4653)显示详情
6. Journal of plant physiology(0176-1617)显示详情
7. Journal of Plant Protection Research(1427-4345)显示详情
8. Journal of plant registrations(1936-5209)显示详情
9. Journal of Plant Research(0918-9440)显示详情
10. Journal of Plant Sciences(1816-4951)显示详情
11. Journal of Plant Studies(1927-047X)显示详情
12. Journal of Plasma Physics(0022-3778)显示详情
13. Journal of plastic surgery and hand surgery(2000-656X)显示详情
14. Journal of plastic, reconstructive & aesthetic surgery(1748-6815)显示详情
15. Journal of Plurilingual and Multilingual Education(2188-7403)显示详情
16. Journal of Polian studies(2375-7329)显示详情
17. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology(0882-0783)显示详情
18. Journal of police crisis negotiations(1533-2586)显示详情
19. Journal of police science and administration(0090-9084)显示详情
20. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management(0276-8739)显示详情
21. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities(1741-1122)显示详情
22. Journal of Policy History(0898-0306)显示详情
23. Journal of policy modeling(0161-8938)显示详情
24. Journal of Policy Practice and Research(2662-1517)显示详情
25. Journal of politeness research(1612-5681)显示详情
26. Journal of Political & Military Sociology(0047-2697)显示详情
27. Journal of political ecology(1073-0451)显示详情
28. Journal of Political Economy(0022-3808)显示详情
29. Journal of Political Ideologies(1356-9317)显示详情
30. Journal of Political Philosophy(0963-8016)显示详情
31. Journal of political science(0098-4612)显示详情
32. Journal of Political Studies(1994-1080)显示详情
33. Journal of Politics and Law(1913-9047)显示详情
34. Journal of Politics in Latin America(1866-802X)显示详情
35. Journal of Pollination Ecology(1920-7603)显示详情
36. Journal of Polymer Engineering(0334-6447)显示详情
37. Journal of Polymer Materials(0973-8622)显示详情
38. Journal of Polymer Research(1022-9760)显示详情
39. Journal of Polymer Science(0022-3832)显示详情
40. Journal of Polymer Science(0887-624X)显示详情
41. Journal of Polymer Science(2642-4150)显示详情
42. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: General Papers(0449-2951)显示详情
43. Journal of Polymer Science Part A-1: Polymer Chemistry(0449-296X)显示详情
44. Journal of Polymer Science Part A-2: Polymer Physics(0449-2978)显示详情
45. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Letters(0449-2986)显示详情
46. Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics(0887-6266)显示详情
47. Journal of Polymer Science Part C: Polymer Letters(0887-6258)显示详情
48. Journal of Polymer Science Part C: Polymer Symposia(0449-2994)显示详情
49. Journal of Polymer Science, Part D: Macromolecular Reviews(0376-0383)显示详情
50. Journal of Polymer Science: Macromolecular Reviews(0076-2083)显示详情
51. Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Chemistry Edition(0360-6376)显示详情
52. Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Letters Edition(0360-6384)显示详情
53. Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics Edition(0098-1273)显示详情
54. Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Symposia(0360-8905)显示详情
55. Journal of Polymers(2356-7570)显示详情
56. Journal of Polymers and the Environment(1566-2543)显示详情
57. Journal of Popular Film and Television(0195-6051)显示详情
58. Journal of Popular Music Studies(1524-2226)显示详情
59. Journal of popular romance studies(2159-4473)显示详情
60. Journal of Population(0146-1052)显示详情
61. Journal of Population Ageing(1874-7884)显示详情
62. Journal of Population Economics(0933-1433)显示详情
63. Journal of Population Research(1443-2447)显示详情
64. Journal of Porous Materials(1380-2224)显示详情
65. Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines(1088-4246)显示详情
66. Journal of Portfolio Management(0095-4918)显示详情
67. Journal of Portuguese linguistics(1645-4537)显示详情
68. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions(1098-3007)显示详情
69. Journal of Positive Management(2083-103X)显示详情
70. Journal of post anesthesia nursing(0883-9433)显示详情
71. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics(0160-3477)显示详情
72. Journal of Postcolonial Education(1027-9636)显示详情
73. Journal of Postcolonial Linguistics(2670-1421)显示详情
74. Journal of postcolonial theory and theology(2163-4807)显示详情
75. Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute(1013-5472)显示详情
76. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine(0022-3859)显示详情
77. Journal of Postmodernism Problems(1314-3700)显示详情
78. Journal of Postsecondary Education & Disability(2328-3343)显示详情
79. Journal of powder technology(2090-7710)显示详情
80. Journal of Power and Energy Systems(1881-3062)显示详情
81. Journal of Power and Ethics(1523-973X)显示详情
82. Journal of Power Electronics(1598-2092)显示详情
83. Journal of power sources(0378-7753)显示详情
84. Journal of Power Sources Advances(2666-2485)显示详情
86. Journal of practical consulting(1930-806X)显示详情
87. Journal of Practical Estate Planning(1524-5748)显示详情
88. Journal of Practical Ethics(2051-655X)显示详情
89. Journal of Practical Nursing(0022-3867)显示详情
90. Journal of practical orthodontics(8755-4852)显示详情
91. Journal of practice teaching in social work and health(1460-6690)显示详情
92. Journal of pragmatics(0378-2166)显示详情
93. Journal of Pragmatics Research(2656-8020)显示详情
94. Journal of praxis in multicultural education(1931-0242)显示详情
95. Journal of pre-clinical and clinical research(1898-2395)显示详情
96. Journal of pre-college engineering education research(2157-9288)显示详情
97. Journal of Pregnancy(2090-2727)显示详情
98. Journal of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health(1097-8003)显示详情
99. Journal of Prenatal Diagnosis and Therapy(0976-1756)显示详情
100. Journal of Prenatal Medicine(1971-3282)显示详情
101. Journal of Presbyterian History (1962-1985)(0022-3883)显示详情