Total count:8761records

Page:1 |........| 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | ........|87 |

1. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering(1096-4290)显示详情
2. International Journal of RF Technologies: Research and Applications(1754-5730)显示详情
3. International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases(1756-1841)显示详情
4. International Journal of Rheumatology(1687-9260)显示详情
5. International Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response(2210-8491)显示详情
6. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management(1466-8297)显示详情
7. International journal of river basin management(1571-5124)显示详情
8. International Journal of Robotics & Automation(0826-8185)显示详情
9. International Journal of Robotics Research(0278-3649)显示详情
10. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control(1049-8923)显示详情
11. International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences(0020-7624)显示详情
12. International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences & geomechanics abstracts(0148-9062)显示详情
13. International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences (1997)(1365-1609)显示详情
14. International Journal of Role-playing(2210-4909)显示详情
15. International Journal of Rotating Machinery(1023-621X)显示详情
16. International journal of rural crime(1835-6672)显示详情
17. International Journal of Rural Criminology()显示详情
18. International Journal of Rural Law and Policy(1839-745X)显示详情
19. International Journal of Russian Studies(2158-7051)显示详情
20. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering(2041-9031)显示详情
21. International Journal of Safety and Security in Tourism and Hospitality(2250-5105)显示详情
22. International Journal of Sales, Retailing and Marketing(2045-810X)显示详情
23. International Journal of Salt Lake Research(1037-0544)显示详情
24. International Journal of Satellite Communications(0737-2884)显示详情
25. International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking(1542-0973)显示详情
26. International Journal of Satellite Communications Policy and Management(1742-7568)显示详情
27. International Journal of School Health(2345-5152)显示详情
28. International Journal of Science and Applied Science: Conference Series(2549-4627)显示详情
29. International Journal of Science and Engineering(2086-5023)显示详情
30. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education(1571-0068)显示详情
31. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)()显示详情
32. International journal of science and technology education research(2141-6559)显示详情
33. International Journal of Science Annals(2617-2682)显示详情
34. International Journal of Science in Society(1836-6236)显示详情
35. International Journal of Science, Engineering and Computer Technology(2231-508X)显示详情
36. International Journal of Scientific Management & Development(2345-3974)显示详情
37. International Journal of Scientific Research in Dental and Medical Sciences(2676-5497)显示详情
38. International journal of Scottish literature(1751-2808)显示详情
39. International journal of Scottish theatre(1471-5198)显示详情
40. International Journal of Scottish Theatre and Screen(2046-5602)显示详情
41. International Journal of Secondary Metabolite(2148-6905)显示详情
42. International journal of security and networks(1747-8405)显示详情
43. International Journal of Sediment Research(1001-6279)显示详情
44. International Journal of Selection and Assessment(0965-075X)显示详情
45. International journal of self help & self care(1091-2851)显示详情
46. International journal of self-directed learning(1934-3701)显示详情
47. International Journal of Self-Propagating High-Temperature Synthesis(1061-3862)显示详情
48. International Journal of Sensor Networks(1748-1279)显示详情
49. International Journal of Separation for Environmental Sciences(2163-3851)显示详情
50. International Journal of Serious Games(2384-8766)显示详情
51. International Journal of Service and Computing Oriented Manufacturing(2045-175X)显示详情
52. International journal of service industry management(0956-4233)显示详情
53. International Journal of Services and Operations Management(1744-2370)显示详情
54. International journal of services and standards(1740-8849)显示详情
55. International journal of services operations and informatics(1741-539X)显示详情
56. International journal of services sciences(1753-1446)显示详情
57. International Journal of Services Technology and Management(1460-6720)显示详情
58. International journal of services, economics and management(1753-0822)显示详情
59. International journal of sexual and relationship therapy(2151-5514)显示详情
60. International journal of shape modeling(0218-6543)显示详情
61. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics(1756-6517)显示详情
62. International journal of shipping law(1359-7701)显示详情
63. International Journal of Short-Term Psychotherapy(0884-724X)显示详情
64. International Journal of Shoulder Surgery(0973-6042)显示详情
65. International journal of signal and imaging systems engineering(1748-0698)显示详情
66. International Journal of Signal Processing(1304-4478)显示详情
67. International journal of simulation & process modelling(1740-2123)显示详情
68. International Journal of Simulation Modelling(1726-4529)显示详情
69. International Journal of Sino-Western Studies(1799-8204)显示详情
70. International journal of six sigma and competitive advantage(1479-2494)显示详情
71. International journal of small craft technology(1740-0694)显示详情
72. International journal of smart and nano materials(1947-5411)显示详情
73. International journal of smart engineering system design(1025-5818)显示详情
74. International Journal of Social and Educational Innovation (IJSEI)(2392-6252)显示详情
75. International journal of social and humanistic computing(1752-6124)显示详情
76. International Journal of Social Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems(2040-0721)显示详情
77. International Journal of Social Economics(0306-8293)显示详情
78. International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation(2043-8257)显示详情
79. International Journal of Social Inquiry(1307-8364)显示详情
80. International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments(2050-3954)显示详情
81. International Journal of Social Pedagogy(2051-5804)显示详情
82. International journal of social research methodology(1364-5579)显示详情
83. International Journal of Social Robotics(1875-4791)显示详情
84. International journal of social sciences(2249-6637)显示详情
85. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies(2409-1294)显示详情
86. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies(1309-8063)显示详情
87. International Journal of Social Welfare(1369-6866)显示详情
88. International journal of social work and human services practice(2332-6832)显示详情
89. International Journal of Society Systems Science(1756-2511)显示详情
90. International Journal of Society, Culture and Language(2329-2210)显示详情
91. International Journal of Sociology(0020-7659)显示详情
92. International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology(2006-988X)显示详情
93. International journal of sociology and social policy(0144-333X)显示详情
94. International Journal of Sociology of the Family(0020-7667)显示详情
95. International Journal of Soft Computing(1816-9503)显示详情
96. International Journal of Soft Computing and Software Engineering(2251-7545)显示详情
97. International Journal of Software Engineering and Computer Systems(2289-8522)显示详情
98. International Journal of Software Engineering, Technology and Applications(2053-2466)显示详情
99. International journal of soil dynamics and earthquake engineering(0261-7277)显示详情
100. International Journal of Soil, Sediment, and Water()显示详情
101. International journal of solar energy(0142-5919)显示详情