期刊名:Radiation physics and chemistry (1977)/issn:0146-5724

Continued by:International journal of radiation applications and instrumentation, Part C, Radiation physics and chemistry [1359-0197] Continued by:Radiation physics and chemistry (1993) [0969-806X] Continued by:International journal of radiation applications and instrumentation [1878-1020] Continues:International journal for radiation physics and chemistry [0020-7055]
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Available from 1977 until (and including) 1985 volume: 26 issue: 6
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Available from 1977 volume: 9 issue: 1 until (and including) 1985 volume: 26 issue: 6
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Available from 1977 volume: 9 until (and including) 1985 volume: 26
Elsevier SD Backfile Complete
Available from 1977 volume: 9 until (and including) 1985 volume: 26